Oscars Announcer Accidentally Calls Nominee 'Dick Poop'

Oscars Announcer Accidentally Calls Nominee 'Dick Poop'

Hollywood has a new star...and his name is Dick Poop.

This morning, Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences president Cheryl Boone Isaacs took the stage to read off some of the nominees for this year's Academy Awards, specifically the lucky people who got nominated in the Best Cinematography category.

Cheryl had a bit of a tough time pronouncing some of the more foreign-sounding names, but ironically it was one of the simplest names that tripped her up the most. When it came time to announce Dick Pope, the cinematographer for "Mr. Turner," Cheryl accidentally read the name as "Dick Poop."

Of course, the Internet nearly exploded. Twitter blew up with people making sarcastic comments about how Dick Poop really deserves the Oscar this year. It was basically Adele Dazeem all over again.

We sympathize with Cheryl. They make those Oscars announcements very early in the morning for people on the West Coast, so we imagine she was still a little groggy. Maybe she didn't have time for coffee.

As for Mr. Pope, he shrugged it all off and noted that it isn't the first time his name has been used against him. "You know what, I have been called a lot worse in my time," he said. "I don't think twice about anything like that. I am happy to be nominated."

Check out the flub below: