Timing is Everything: Osama Bin Laden Death Might Ruin Kathryn Bigelow's Assassination Movie 'Kill Bin Laden'

Back when "South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut" came out, it had a reference to Saddam Hussein's death in it, long before Hussein actually died. "The Hurt Locker" director Kathryn Bigelow thought she would be safe in making a movie about a failed assassination attempt on Osama Bin Laden for the same reason...but she was wrong.

Reports are that Bigelow and her co-writer Mark Boal were just getting to the casting phase of her planned action thriller currently titled "Kill Bin Laden" when the news broke yesterday that the real Osama Bin Laden had been killed.

Obviously, this could put a damper on the project: the movie was to be about a failed mission by the U.S. military to capture and kill Bin Laden. If the movie were made now, it would be sort of like a reverse "Inglourious Basterds," in that Hitler suffered an early death in the movie while Bin Laden would suffer a late one, if one at all.

Of course, Bigelow could potentially have first dibs on a project telling the story of the actual assassination of Bin Laden. After all, she has a script that's written on the general subject, and she's getting ready to cast some of the major players. She'll just need some re-writes, I suppose.

On the other hand, there could be a whole slew of other movies on the subject (just as there's a movie being made about the Somali pirate hijacking that was swiftly ended by Navy operatives), so maybe putting one out there won't be as appealing to Bigelow anymore. After all, she did "The Hurt Locker." She clearly likes to put out unique and interesting content.