'Orphan Black' Season 3, Episode 2 - 'Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis' Recap

'Orphan Black'  Season 3, Episode 2 - 'Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis' Recap

Sarah has made a lot of dumb decisions over the course of this show, but if this episode was good for anything, it was Sarah finally, FINALLY being a good parent.

Here's what happened this week, by clone:


Things get worse for Helena before they get better, as the clandestine military group holding her submits her to a "stress test," which is basically just waterboarding. Fortunately, Dr. Virginia Coady comes in and stops that, having just found out that Helena is pregnant.

Helena is also subjected to the same test that the Castor clones have to take in order to find out if they're "glitching" or not. She gets a little distracted by the thought of mangoes, though.


Allison runs into her old drug dealer at a soccer game, which gives her an idea of how to compete in the election: she makes an offer to take over his drug business, which also gets her his client list. A little implied blackmail should get Allison some guaranteed votes.


Sarah has a brief moment of peace as Cal shows her and Kira a new place in the city that he bought for them. If you're wondering how he could afford it, we learn a little about it from Paul, who breaks in to grill Cal about Sarah. Turns out that Cal used to be a war profiteer of some kind before his new lumberjack phase.

That peace is broken when she takes Kira over to Felix's place, where one of the Castor clones was snooping around for Duncan's notes. He holds Kira hostage and pumps Sarah for information, but thankfully leaves Kira with Sarah.

His clone, Seth, isn't so lucky: he's already "glitching" and Rudy kills him...out of mercy, we suppose?

So after that encounter, Sarah finally realizes that maybe Kira is better off without her. She'll probably at least require a lot less therapy. It seems that Cal will take her to Iceland while Sarah stays and goes after the Castor clones with Mrs. S.