'Orphan Black' Kira, Meet Your Dad Recap

'Orphan Black'  Kira, Meet Your Dad Recap Welcome back, Clone Clubbers!

Romance was in the air this week on "Orphan Black," as a handsome, bearded man from Sarah's past showed up, and we saw what we're pretty sure was a wedding. Yikes.

So, here's what's happening to all the clones:


Sarah, Felix and Kira continue their life on the run by camping out in the stolen pick-up truck, peeing in fields, stepping in cow dung and using Kira to shoplift from convenience stores. Sarah is obviously still not mother of the year, but hey, at least she told Kira that they only steal from people when they absolutely have to. And then she breaks into someone's house.

But, as it turns out, it was less of a break-in and more of a drop-in, as the owner of the house recognizes Sarah on sight. This plaid-wearing, bearded dude is Cal, and he's (music sting) Kira's father!

Cal was on of Sarah's marks from back in her grifting days, and he's still understandably a little bitter about being robbed. But he softens a bit when he finds out that Kira is his daughter, and offers to put the trio up for a couple of days.

Felix, however, decides that this life just isn't for him, and in certainly the most heartbreaking Fee scene yet, he decides to leave Sarah and Kira to it and go back to support poor Alison.

Later, Sarah, mother of the year, teams up with Cal, father of the year, to let Kira go outside in broad daylight and feed the chickens, ignoring the fact that seemingly everyone is looking for them. Of course, Rachel's hired thug shows up and grabs Kira, but Sarah manages to fight him long enough for Kira to get behind an armed Cal. Unfortunately, Sarah is forced into the car at gunpoint and told to drive...which she does, right into a truck at an intersection.

But hey, at least Kira gets some one-on-one time with her dad, right?


Cos is having a grand old time with her new lab and hopefully guilt-free girlfriend, up until said girlfriend hands Cosima a video diary of another clone, who also died of respiratory problems. Cosima watches as this clone's health deteriorates until she dies, then performs an autopsy. Turns out the disease, whatever it is, might also be the reason for the clones' infertility. Does this mean Sarah will also be the only one to not hack up blood?


Alison continues to be the greatest character on this show, providing laughs right up until her opening night. She's still wary around Donnie, but has another tail to worry about in Angie, who goes against Art's wishes and tries to go undercover to get some leads from Alison. Luckily, Alison is too smart for that.

However, this extra stress doesn't help Ali's pill habit, and her opening night is a fiasco. She goes a little too hard with the pills and vodka before the performance and ends up going head-first off the stage.


You might actually start to be feeling bad for Helena again, as those creepy Prolethians continue to talk about her as though she has no soul. They still have a "plan" for her though, which includes marrying her to their leader in a weird ceremony. Is this to test if she's able to bear children, like her twin sister?

Tell us your theories in the comments!