'Orphan Black' Season 3, Episode 1 - 'The Weight of This Combination' Recap

'Orphan Black'  Season 3, Episode 1 - 'The Weight of This Combination' Recap

Welcome back, Clone Club! It's finally time for season three, so hopefully you caught that wild "previously on" montage because there's a lot going on. Like, a lot.

We open with Helena, as she dreams up her ideal scenario: sitting in Allison's backyard, having her baby shower with all of her sestra's present (and Cosima in traditional Ukranian garb).

That's all a dream, of course, as we know that Mrs. S sold Helena out to get Sarah and Kira out of Dyad. Helena is actually locked in a small trunk, held by, as it turns out at the end of the episode, another one of the male Castor clones.

Starting the season with Helena's dream sequence and her talking to an imaginary scorpion is a weird way to kick things off, but hey, it's a weird show sometimes.

As for the rest of the crew, it would seem that everyone's in a good place at the start of things: Sarah has Kira back, Cosima is doing a little better health-wise, and Allison is coaching the soccer team and hoping to run against that bitch who's trying to redistrict the schools. The nerve of her!

The calm is quickly broken by Delphine, who is acting as the new Rachel while the real Rachel recovers from having a pencil shoved in her eye. She's still alive, but there's definitely some brain damage.

That complicates things, as Topside has sent a "cleaner" by the name of Ferdinand to keep everything at Dyad in order and Ferdinand expects to see Rachel there when he arrives.

Naturally, Delphine's plan is to have Sarah impersonate Rachel for the meeting. It's a good thing for us, as the scenes where Sarah uses her natural con-artist talents to impersonate the other clones are always the most fun to watch. It's bad for the gang, as Ferdinand almost immediately asks to interrogate Sarah with "Rachel" present.

So, we have a scene where Tatiana Maslany is playing Sarah playing Rachel AND playing Allison playing Sarah at the same time. This woman deserves all the Emmys in the world.

They manage to fool Ferdinand just long enough, but he asks to see "Rachel" again privately later that night. Sarah keeps up the charade long enough to learn about "Helsinki," Ferdinand and Rachel's plan to wipe out all of the clones and their families in order to wipe the slate clean.

Luckily, Delphine intervenes and is able to use Ferdinand's sexual misconduct against him, and "Helsinki" is called off just before Allison and her family are all murdered. Phew!

The mystery of this season will clearly be shifting from the female clones to the male ones, as we learn more about Castor and what the military clones are trying to accomplish. One has Helena in custody, and the one that Dyad had behind bars, who is liberated by a fellow clone at the end of the episode, had kidnapped another new Sarah clone before he was brought in.

This was a refreshing episode after the mess that was season two, where none of the girls were in their proper element and each player's goals were too confused in the big conspiracy. Here, we know what we want: Sarah needs to find Helena, and someone needs to stop the Castor clones.

Oh, and Allison will be having more of her suburban drama, so if all else fails we have that to entertain us.