'Orange is the New Black' Writer Leaves Husband, Dates Poussey

'Orange is the New Black' Writer Leaves Husband, Dates Poussey In May, "Orange is the New Black" writer Lauren Morelli came out to the world via an essay for Identities.Mic.

In the essay, she explains that, although recently married, working on the Netflix original had given her insight into herself that she had ignored (or overlooked) previously.

"I was nervous about the first love scene I'd written for Alex and Piper," Morelli wrote. "I'd loved writing it, loved watching a tenderness emerge in their relationship where passion always seemed to be the ruling principle, but by that time, I was so deep in my own self-doubt that I constantly felt like a fraud. I was sure it was bleeding into my writing. How could it not? I was married to a man, but I wasn't straight...

"I realized I was gay in fall of 2012, one of my first days on set," Morelli said.

Morelli and her husband of two years, Steve Basilone, have since filed for divorce.

"It was in the writers' room that I came into myself, surrounded by unconditional love and teasing when I neeed it. I went through it all on set. I fell in love with a woman, and I watched my life play out on screen," Morelli had written.

So who was this woman Morelli fell for? Turns out it's Poussey herself!

Samira Wiley, who plays the "Orange is the New Black" fan favorite character, and Morelli, have quietly become an item.

Though the two keep their photos together sporatic and the captions vague, the two hit the Emmys together, holding hands and dancing at afterparties.

No doubt it's a relationship happlly embraced on set, where Morelli notes that "being a minority of any sort is joyfully celebrated."

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