Oprah's Stylist To Make Over Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas' Hair

Oprah's Stylist To Make Over Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas' Hair Perhaps even Gabby Douglas has her threshold for how much can be said about her hair. Whatever it may be, she's enlisted the help of a stylist who's handled with care no less than Gabrielle Union and Angelina Jolie's famously lustrous manes and been a guest of Oprah Winfrey's shows.

His prowess aside, Ted Gibson seems a little perturbed himself at the continued fuss over the 16-year-old Olympic gymnastics gold-medalist's style.

Proving that perhaps the sporting enthusiasm for sports is too often lost, Douglas' mesmerizing rise to an all-around competition gold medal during the recently closed London Olympiad was overshadowed by incessant bitching about her hair being styled in an extra-pinned ponytail instead of the traditional bun.

"I couldn't believe it and still can't," an apparently well-prioritized Gibson told The Daily Beast. "You have this young girl doing amazing things, and the conversation becomes about her hair? It was ridiculous and shameful."

So what's the plan, Ted? He's not saying. He only suggested that he's approaching syling her to be beautiful for her age, but still looking her age.

"It's tricky because Gabby is 16 and I don't want to do anything to maker her look 25 years old," Gibson said. "Together with her vision, I hope we can create something that's easy and looks great no matter what she's doing or where she is. I hope to create something that makes her feel good about herself as well."

Olympic. Gold. Medal. First African-American gymnast to win one, let alone first American to win both the individual all-around and team gold medals. Her last name scrambled is "USA gold."

The very saddest thing is that thanks to priority ADD of viewers and analysts, anything more than that would be needed.