OPINION: Quentin Tarantino Is a Big Fat Whiny Babypants

We're just going to say it: Quentin Tarantino is a big baby.

A few days ago, the "Django Unchained" director pitched a fit following the online leak of his latest screenplay, "The Hateful Eight." As Tarantino tells it, the story is that he sent the script out to a handful of friends, one of whom leaked the script.

Now, we're willing to concede that it must suck to have your hard work, which you were hoping to keep under wraps, out in the hands of people who want to see it at no charge.

However, that doesn't really excuse Tarantino's next series of moves.

First, rather than reprimand the friend who leaked the script, Tarantino decided instead to pitch a very public fit, proclaiming for all who wanted to hear it or not that he was now going to shut down any chance of making the movie, and maybe publish it as a book instead.

Because what you want to do when people can read a piece of your work for free is attempt to sell it in a read-only medium.

Even better, Tarantino decided today that he was going to file a lawsuit against media blog Gawker, who published a story about the leak and linked to a site that hosted the leaked script.

Ignoring the fact that Tarantino has almost no case against Gawker, here's why Tarantino's temper tantrum is especially annoying: There's no reason for any of it. It makes practically no difference, at least financially, whether or not the "Hateful Eight" script is available on the Internet. Tarantino fans are going to go see the movie regardless of whether or not they can read the script beforehand. Non-Tarantino fans aren't going to give two craps either way.

Plus, remember that time that "Django Unchained" was leaked online and it was still one of the most successful movies of the year?

In conclusion, Quentin Tarantino loves attention and is a big fat whiny babypants.