D'oh: 'Newsroom' Star Alison Pill Accidentally Tweets Nude Photo to 14,000 Followers

D'oh: 'Newsroom' Star Alison Pill Accidentally Tweets Nude Photo to 14,000 Followers Raise your hand if this has ever happened to you: you're fumbling around with your smartphone, trying to delete one of your photos, but then instead you accidentally tweet a topless photo of yourself to 14,000 people.

No? No one? Well, it happened to Alison Pill.

The star of "The Newsroom" sent out a pic of herself lying on the bed wearing a big pair of glasses and not much else to her 14,000-plus Twitter followers today, but quickly realized the error and deleted the tweet. Of course everything moves pretty fast in Twitter-land, so the damage was done.

But Pill took it all in stride, tweeting out an apology to her followers:

Chances are the apology wasn't necessary. I don't think anyone was really complaining.

Also not complaining: Jay Baruchel, Pill's fiancé and star of "Tropic Thunder," among others. Baruchel took the whole thing in stride with his trademark sense of humor:

Pretty cute, eh? Whaddya think folks, couple of the year?

The delicious irony in all of this is that one of the episodes of "The Newsroom" in the recently completed first season featured Emily Mortimer's MacKenzie accidentally sending out a very personal email. Pill must have skipped that one. She's not the first starlet to do this, though: "90210" star AnnaLynne McCord accidentally tweeted a topless photo of her own to a fan. It could have used a bit of cropping.

Here's a censored version of the picture Pill tweeted: