One Million Moms Shielding Consumers from Threat of Schweddy Balls

One Million Moms Shielding Consumers from Threat of Schweddy Balls Ben & Jerry's announced last month that it was releasing a new ice cream flavor dedicated to the hilarious Alec Baldwin SNL sketch, "Schweddy Balls," in which Pete Schweddy (Baldwin) the owner of a candy shop called Season's Eatings, sells the hosts of the NPR program "Delicious Dish" on his special balls.

While 'SNL' fans and those who otherwise have a sense of humor about such things laughed at the rather hilarious ice cream idea, the angry matronly hordes of One Million Mothers were definitely not amused.

"The vulgar new flavor has turned something as innocent as ice cream into something repulsive. Not exactly what you want a child asking for at the supermarket," said the group's website upon the lunch of the product.

The conservative group sent out a letter to its membership advising them that not only was the ice cream company supporting ball-related hootenannying, but that it had actually once made a flavor devoted to (gasp) supporting the gays.

"In the past, Ben & Jerry's has released controversial ice creams, like a special edition of Chubby Hubby called Hubby Hubby last year which celebrated gay marriage. It seems that offending customers has become an annual tradition for Ben & Jerry's. The ice cream is being released in a limited batch, which means it will be distributed nationwide but only for three or four months. If it proves popular, another batch might be forthcoming, but we hope not."

Then of course there was the inevitable call for a boycott:

"Please send Ben & Jerry's Public Relations Manager, Sean Greenwood, an email letter requesting that no additional Schweddy Balls ice cream be distributed. Also, highly recommend they refrain from producing another batch with this name or any other offensive names or you will no longer be able to purchase their products."

The boycott has evidently had some effect, as several supermarket chains have opted not to carry the flavor because of the potentially offensive name, according to a recent AP story.

Still, Ben & Jerrys is not sweating the "Schweddy Balls" controversy.

"Yes, some supermarket chains decided not to carry Schweddy Balls. That is true, possibly because they found the name too irreverent. We respect their decision," said Ben & Jerry's spokesman Sean Greenwood.

Get a first hand look at "Schweddy Balls":