One Direction's Louis Tomlinson Flips On Twitter Troll

One Direction's Louis Tomlinson Flips On Twitter Troll Twitter just hasn't been that kind to One Direction.

The British boy band and former U.K. "The X Factor" competitors just keeping dealing with rude detractors but won't back down. Louis Tomlinson this past weekend as peaceably as possible laid into a heckler who took his taunts to Tomlinson's mother on the singer's timeline, Celebuzz reported Monday.

The keyboard-warrior troll asked Tomlinson's mother after the 20-year-old bristled at harrassment against his girlfriend why fame & fortune had made her baby boy such an "ass," to which she replied, "Lou is not an ass! All he is asking is people respect his lovely girlfriend Eleanor! It's not too much. Please."

Tomlinson wondered the same, tweeting a screenshot of the exchange between them and asking, "Can i ask why this is ok? To think someone would speak to my Mum like that sickens me. Grow the f**k up!"

Then the user @plasticbieber - yes, really - told his mother, "You should have aborted louis."

It was @5pmUKtime that trampled Tomlinson's last nerve, telling Tomlinson's mother, "Shut the f**k up with your lovely bulls*** you're the biggest f**k up stay the f**k out of this."

Oh. Hell. No.

"all I've ever wanted to do from day one is please the people who support us," Tomlinson tweeted, amid a lengthy rant. "It's hard when people are rude to our famililies.

"I've clearly flipped on twitter today. I'm sorry to any REAL fan of ours that I've offended," a slightly cooler-headed Tomlinson added.

This past August, One Direction member Zayn Malik killed his account for about two days before deciding to reinstate. He'd been subjected to scorn from fans over his 19-year-old girlfriend Perrie Edwards. She'd previously deleted her own account in May.

"The reason i don't tweet as much as i use to, is because I'm sick of all the useless opinions and hate that i get daily goodbye twitter :)" Tomlinson said upon briefly deleting his account. Meanwhile, Malik and Tomlinson's One Direction bandmate Liam Payne has put up with his share of taunting tweets. Tomlinson's previous girlfriends Danielle Peazer and Eleanor Calder have both faced their own abuse, Celebuzz claims.