'Once Upon a Time' Season 4, Episode 3: 'Rocky Road' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 4, Episode 3: 'Rocky Road' Recap Robin, Marian, and their son go for ice cream (to the woman with the same powers as Elsa). She makes Marian's cone and puts an extra spell on it.

They take Elsa to Gold, wanting to know how she ended up in one of his urns, but he doesn't know, and she can't remember. They don't believe him so he has Belle command him to tell the truth using the "dagger." He insists he didn't know.

Elsa is worried that Anna hasn't returned home, and wants to go after her. Kristoff reminds her she has a kingdom to run, and thinks Anna can take care of herself. She gives in to his logic. She gets a note that Prince Hans has an army and is marching toward them. Kristoff wants to go spy, but Elsa refuses to let him.

Snow has her first meeting as mayor to discuss town issues... including the ice wall. Marian gets sick and falls, white appearing in her hair.

Regina brings Henry comic books, and fishes to see if he knows who wrote his storybook. He's onto her. She admits that she wants to find who wrote the book and ask for a happy ending. He's on board with her idea and wants to help her. Robin comes to Regina and asks for help with Marian.

Marian seems to be freezing. Regina says it's strong magic; she can't stop it but she can try to slow it down. Elsa tells them it has to be broken by true love's kiss, but nothing happens when Robin kisses her.

Kristoff goes to spy on Hans anyway. Hans is being laughed at by his older brothers, but shows them a picture of Elsa's urn and says it's his way to becoming king. Kristoff goes to Elsa with the news, and they decide to go destroy the urn.

The town is turning against Elsa, who Emma has Hook hide away.

Kristoff and Elsa go looking for the urn. She asks about it and Kristoff says he heard that it was old and traps people like her. She's excited that this may mean there were or are others like her.

Emma and Charming go through the woods looking for anything frozen, when they find a camp. A man comes out of the tent, but runs. Charming takes him out. He says he is Will Scarlet, once a merry man, though he had a falling out with Robin. He heard about Marian and may be able to help. He explains he is a thief, and broke into the ice cream parlor, and even without electricity everything was frozen.

The curse is moving toward Marian's heart, and Regina asks Robin if she can do something drastic. He says he trusts her.

Instead of taking Elsa to hide, he takes her to Gold. He offers silence in return for help, knowing the dagger was a fake. They give him a lock of Marian's hair, which he reverts back to magic form (snowflakes), and sends it off in search of its owner.

Archie reminds Snow, who has yet to put her baby down, that it's okay and healthy to let go a little, and that just because she missed Emma's childhood doesn't mean the same thing will happen.

Will takes Emma and Charming to the ice cream shop, which is closed. They break in, and note that there is nothing electric cooling the place, but it's freezing.

Flashback to Elsa and Kristoff tracking down the urn in its hiding place. He wants to destroy it, but she wonders if the runes on it could help explain why she is how she is. Hans and some of his brothers appear, and they fight. Hans gets Kristoff and demands the urn.

Elsa and Hook find the ice witch, and call Emma, who doesn't answer.

Elsa gives the urn up to Hans, and he pours it out. The goo moves toward Elsa, but instead of trapping her, transforms into the ice witch. She freezes Hans.

Hook and Elsa go to find Emma, but the woman sees them and freezes their feet so they stay. She tells Elsa that the rock trolls took her memories of her, but they know each other. She says Marian was to teach Elsa a lesson - everyone will turn on people like them. She puts icicles above Hook, and says that when they fall it will look like Elsa killed him. Emma and Charming arrive just in time. The witch seems to recognize Emma, but says she doesn't know her. Emma knocks her out with her magic and saves Hook.

In the melee, the woman escapes.

Flashback - the woman and Elsa have returned to the castle. Elsa is giddy to meet someone like her. The woman says she is her mother's sister. She was trapped in the urn by people who feared her magic. Elsa has to tell her that her sister - her mother - has died at sea. The woman says she will help Elsa find Anna.

Emma is concerned - she feels that the woman knew her. She thinks Elsa is a pawn in something bigger.

Marian isn't doing well. Robin tells Regina that the reason the kiss didn't work is because he's in love with someone else. Regina pulls out Marian's heart to keep her alive until they find a cure.

Hook tells Emma to stop pushing him away and that she can trust him, and she says she does trust him, but everyone she loves dies. He tells her he's a survivor and kisses her.

In the woods, the ice witch runs into Gold. He asks if Emma remembered her. He offers his help, but she refuses.