'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 9: 'Save Henry' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 9: 'Save Henry' Recap Flashback: The imprisoned Rumplestiltskin is visited by Regina. She tells him she enacted the curse. He asks her how it felt to rip the heart out of her father, the thing she loved most.

She says nothing can stop her now - except, he reminds her, the child of Snow White and Prince Charming. He tells her there is a hole in her heart, and one day she'll go to him to fill it. Regina realizes he is exactly where he wants to be in the situation.

Emma, Regina and Neal try to wake Henry. Pan taunts them, and tells them Gold is in the box.

Eleven years ago: Archie goes to see Regina. She wants his advice - she is feeling nothing. He notes she is driven, maybe she is feeling a hole in her heart. He tells her a child can provide so much meaning.

Regina goes to Gold. She is looking into adoption, but the waiting lists are long. She wants his help. He agrees to get her a child - but whether or not he's helping her remains to be seen.

Regina puts a preservation spell over Henry to buy them some time. She and Emma argue. Regina says she has nothing, only Henry, and Emma has more than that. Pan has vanished. Regina notes if they can hurt Pan, they can kill him.

They go back to Charming and the rest of the gang to get a game plan. They need to find Pan.

Flashback: Gold tells Regina he may have found her a baby. A nearby adoption fell through. She goes to Boston with her application. She meets with an adoption agent, who explains it is a closed adoption. She will be locked out entirely of the baby's past. She agrees, and they bring in the baby. Regina coos over her new son, naming him Henry.

Emma explains to the Lost Boys that they are making a mistake. She tells them she was lost once too. She tells them Pan doesn't care for them, but they can take them home, and care for them.

A few of the Lost Boys tell her Pan is at the Thinking Tree. They'll help, as long as she swears to take them with her.

Regina takes her new baby to Granny's, but Henry won't stop crying. Granny suggests telling him a story. Regina tries, but Henry spits up on her.

She takes him to the doctor, but he appears to be healthy. The doctor suggests love. Regina presses, and he tells her that if there is something wrong with the baby, maybe it ties back to the biological parents. Regina calls, trying to get Sidney to find out the name of the mother. She gives Henry to Mary Margaret as she calls, and she soothes him. He begins crying when handed back to Regina.

The Lost Boys explain how to get to where Pan is.

At home, Regina is being broken down by the crying Henry. She promises she'll do anything if he stops crying. She picks him up and kisses him, and he quiets. She gets a fax from Sidney on the child's mother. She stares at it in horror.

She goes to Gold, furious. Henry's mother was found in the woods outside of Storybrooke, 18 years ago, as a baby. She goes to Gold, suspecting him of trying to destroy Storybrooke. She declares Henry is going back to Boston on the morrow.

In the jungle, Regina sees Pandora's Box. The group approaches cautiously. Vines grab them and trap them against a tree.

Regina brings baby Henry back to the agency. The agent tells her sometimes giving up the baby is the strongest thing a parent can do, if they're not the right fit. He gives her a minute with Henry.

She tells Henry he deserves better than her, crying. He smiles at her. When the agent comes back, she tells him that the best thing for Henry is to stay with a mother who will never let go of him.

The agent tells another couple that the baby is no longer available. The two men - John and Michael - go off, discussing how Pan will not be pleased.

In present, Pan tells Regina, Emma, and Snow, trapped on the tree, that this tree is where he gave up his son. He has him all boxed up now, though, so he won't lose him. They don't believe he is Rumple's father. He tells them he has Henry's heart in him now, and he can feel how much they all let Henry down.

Regina breaks free, telling them she should have regret for all of the things she has done in her life... but she doesn't, because she got Henry. She grab's the heart out of Pan's chest, and the box.

They go back to the ship, where Henry's body is, and Regina puts it back in. He wakes up.

Flashback to Archie, who is glad how things are working out with the baby. Regina admits she is afraid that one day Henry's birth mother will come for him. She thinks Fate or Destiny is at play. He tells her to stop worrying and just be a mother.

She goes to the tomb of her father, and thanks him. She tells baby Henry a story about a queen who cast a curse that gave her everything she wanted, except that she was lonely. She searched the land and found a prince. Regina makes herself a potion of forgetting so she can quit her worries and fears and live happily ever after.

Regina sits with Henry on the ship, comforting him. She puts a spell on him so no one can take his heart ever again. She leaves him, and Pan appears with a blade. He apologizes to Henry that it had to come to this point.

Neal opens the box, and Gold comes out. He hugs his son. He apologizes for being as bad a father as Pan, but Neal says he came back for him. Emma realizes that with Gold back, he can cure Charming, and they can all go home.

Gold turns, sensing something wrong.

Pan tries to magic Henry's heart out, but Regina's spell protects him. Pan starts ripping Henry's shadow. Gold appears, with the box, and tells him blood magic works both ways. He opens it, and it traps Pan inside before Henry's shadow can be stolen. Pan and Henry's eyes flash oddly.

Regina rushes down, worried, but Henry assures her he is okay. Gold tells her he is a strong boy; she raised him well.

The group lights a cannon, shooting out the Shadow they captured. Regina uses her magic to put him into the sails. The ship begins to fly out of Neverland. Tink tells Wendy she'll see her brothers soon. Wendy gives her pixie dust... the last she saved.

Henry goes topside, and Neal goes to speak with him. He tells him he has a dad now and forever. Tink tells Regina she's glad she got her son back, and that she knew there was good in her. Tink's pixie dust lights up for a moment with the belief.

Henry goes to talk to Pan's right hand. Henry tells him he switched - he is Pan now. Henry is in the box.

"Now. Let's play."