'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 4: 'Nasty Habits' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 4: 'Nasty Habits' Recap Neal talks with his Lost Boy captor as they walk through the jungle, as Neal unties his bindings. He punches out the Lost Boy.

Flashback to young Neal, still Baelfire. HIs father, Gold, the Dark One, comes in with a gift of a knife, but Baelfire doesn't want gifts. He wants to leave, go out, have friends. Gold insists he cannot leave their house, for his own safety.

In the jungle, Gold works magic. Belle appears again. He tells her that he's going to save Henry, but she reminds him it will mean his death. Gold says things are different now. He has nothing to live for. The only way he can redeem himself to his dead son is by saving Henry.

Tink and the gang prepare their plan of attack... until Tink finds out there's no exit plan. She tells them no one ever leave Neverland without Pan's approval. She shows them the watch she took off Tamara's body.

They consult Hook, but he says he had to use magic that he got from Pan to leave the island. The only person who has ever left the island without Pan's permission was Neal. Hook wonders if they can find out how he did that.

Gold goes through the woods and knocks out two Lost Boys with magic. He picks up their weapons, and almost attacks the person racing through the jungle behind him, until he realizes who it is: Neal.

Flashback: The Dark One comes home, but Baelfire is missing. He tracks him to a village, where the villagers explain that their children are missing as well, lured from their beds by a piper in the night.

Neal and Gold talk. Gold doesn't think anyone else has the stomach for what must be done, but Neal tells him there is another way. They go to the beach, and Neal picks up a shell, blowing into it. It calls forth a giant squid. Neal takes his spear and throws it, reeling in the poisoned beast. Neal explains that ink from the squid can immobilize magical creatures.

Hook leads his gang through the jungle, consulting Charming again about telling Snow that he has been poisoned. Charming refuses. Hook leads them to a secret cave, which has writing on the wall. Emma recognizes it as Neal's childhood home.

The Dark One waits in the night until he hears the call of the Pied Piper. In the village, children climb out windows and follow the music. He follows them and finds children, masked and costumed, dancing wildly around a fire. He tries to find Baelfire. He confronts the Pied Piper, and it is Pan. Pan says it has been a long time. He explains that only boys who feel unloved can hear his pipe, which is why Rumple can hear him.

Pan says they can ask Baelfire if he wants to go with him, or stay with his father.

At Pan's camp, Henry is the only one not dancing around the fire and celebrating. Pan thinks maybe a song will get him to dance... but when he plays, Henry can't hear anything. Pan's boy comes back and tells him that Neal and the Dark One are together in Neverland.

Emma tries to read Neal's drawings and writing, hoping for something useful. Emma realizes that Baelfire used a coconut to create a map of stars when lit with a candle.

Gold arrives at Pan's camp, while Neal sneaks up with a bow and arrow. Pan sees him. Neal shoots, but Pan catches the arrow... luckily Neal didn't coat the tip but the shaft of the arrow, and he is immobilized. Pan tells Neal about the prophesy, claiming Gold is there to murder Henry.

Gold and Neal get away with Henry, who sleeps under a spell. Neal demands Gold tell him about the prophesy, and he says that a boy would help Gold reunite with Neal, but would also be Gold's undoing. He admits that before he knew it was Henry, he was planning to kill the boy.

Flashback to The Dark One. He finds Baelfire, and magics him back to their home. He tries to explain that Pan wanted to hurt him. He has known Pan since he was a boy. He betrayed him. Balefire reveals Pan told him about the deal... that if he had been asked to go home, he would have. However his father didn't ask.

Gold asks how to win Neal's trust. Neal tells him he wants the Dark One dagger. Gold tells him his shadow hid it, he doesn't know where it is. Neal still doesn't believe he won't turn. Gold tries to explain that being with Neal, and getting his redemption, that is his happy ending. Neal takes his hand- but he puts the ink on Gold's palm. He picks up Henry and goes to reunite with his family, insisting they are safer without Gold.

Hook explains that, although there is a map, it is in code. Only Neal can read it. Emma has a break down. She says she never stopped loving Neal, and runs into the woods. Snow is upset she can't comfort her own daughter, because if Charming were to die, she wouldn't know how to survive. Charming tries to tell her that she would have to be strong and move on but she insists nothing will ever happen to him while she's around.

Neal tracks Emma through the woods, but he is found by Pan and his gang. They take Henry back. Pan laughs about the "game." Neal says he made it off the island once, but Pan questions that. Did he really leave without Pan's permission? They take Henry away and Neal is taken prisoner.

The spell wears off and Gold can move again. Imaginary Belle is back to comfort him. She tells him he has something to live for now - Baelfire is still alive. However, knowing he has something left has brought back his sense of self-preservation. She asks him if habits can be broken, but he sends her away.

Henry awakes at the fire, and Pan tells him he fell asleep. Henry seems to remember his dad, however. However, his dad is dead, so it must only have ben a dream. Pan says Neverland used to be a place where dreams came to life, and Henry can bring that magic back. Pan plays his pipe, and Henry hears it. He begins to dance.