'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 3: 'Quite a Common Fairy' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 3: 'Quite a Common Fairy' Recap The group, moving through the jungle, stop to consult the magical map and find that Pan's camp is on the move, and is now behind them.

Pan wakes Henry for target practice.

Neal looks through his father's magical items, hoping to find a portal. Neal has realized that Henry must be in Neverland. The rest of Robin Hood's group comes in, including Robin Hood's son. Neal claims suddenly he knows how to get to Neverland.

Hook decides to use a fairy he used to know, someone Pan trusts, to figure out how to get to the camp. Regina says it's a bad idea.

Flashback: Young Regina is startled by Gold, who is checking on her since she missed her lessons. She's tired of her lessons. She is feeling like a prisoner, with a husband who doesn't love her and no freedom. Gold tells her she can't flee from her fate, and that her rage is all she has, and vanishes. Upset, Regina stands on a balcony, slamming at the railing. It breaks, and Regina falls. Her flight is checked- Tinker Bell saves her.

Regina and Tinker Bell chat over food. Regina tells her her "troubles" with her husband and Snow White. Tinker Bell says she can help people find what they need- and Regina needs love.

In the jungle, Regina accidentally drops a handkerchief. A woman hiding behind them snatches it up. Regina sneaks up to Emma and tells her that she thinks their magic combined would be strong enough to overpower Pan.

Pan dips his arrow in poison. He calls over a Lost Boy to put an apple on his head, and gives Henry the bow. Henry turns and tries to shoot Pan, but he catches the arrow.

Hook asks Charming if he's going to tell Snow about the poison. He shows Hook the wound, and he tells him he has days or weeks at most. He suggests he tell Snow, but Charming thinks maybe he can use the pixie dust to help himself.

Tinker Bell goes home to the Blue Fairy, and tells her she is helping Regina. The Blue Fairy scolds her and tells her to stop helping Regina, who is evil. Tinker Bell thinks this means she needs the most help, but Blue tells her she must remain under supervision for the rest of her training. Tinker Bell steals some pixie dust.

Neal argues with Robin Hood. He wants to use his son to summon the shadow. Robin Hood reveals that his wife is dead, but that Gold saved her when she was sick, so she could have the boy, Roland. Reluctantly Robin Hood agrees to let Roland call the shadow.

Regina stops in the jungle before they get to Tinker Bell's. Emma asks what she did to her, but Regina won't say anything other than she should stay out of Tinker Bell's sight.

Flashback to Regina, as Tinker Bell comes to her with the pixie dust. Tink and Regina fly into the night, and Tink uses her dust to show Regina the way to her happy ending. They chase after it. They stop outside a tavern, and they see a man inside with a lion tattoo, with the pixie dust on him. Tink encourages Regina to go in- she will finally be happy, and can let go of all her anger and sadness. Regina pulls open the door, but panicks, and runs off instead.

In the jungle, Regina hears rustling as she sits alone. She calls out, and Tinker Bell comes out. Tink tells her she's doing to fail, and blows red dust in her eyes.

The rest of the group goes up to Tinker Bell's treehouse, where she is obviously not at home. They do find the handkerchief Regina dropped. They realize Tinker Bell has been tracking them, and race back to Regina.

Regina wakes up, tied. Regina realizes that Tink no longer has magic. Tink poises with a dreamshade arrow over Regina's neck, which will kill her regardless of magic, and Regina asks how she became like that.

Because of Regina. Regina lies to Tink, claiming she met the man the pixie dust was on her, and he was awful. She thinks love was not the problem. She had love, and he died, and she suffered. She calls Tink a terrible fairy, and blows off Tink's concern. She stole for her and she will get in serious trouble, all for nothing.

Regina pulls out her heart and gives it to Tink, telling her to crush it rather than kill her slowly through the poison.

Tinker Bell flies away, but the Blue Fairy stops her. Blue tells her this was her second chance, and the Blue Fairy no longer believes in her. Tink's wings drop away and she falls to earth, human.

Tink holds Regina's heart. She screams at her for ruining her life, and for lying. Regina admits she never went in to meet the man. She was afraid. Anger was all she had left. She would have been weak without it. Regina shows her how hard and black her heart is, and says Tink's heart will look the same if she chooses to kill her. She asks for help finding Henry.

Tink says she won't kill her, but she won't help her either. Besides, it's probably too late. Henry has been with Pan too long.

Henry tells Pan he doesn't belong there, but Pan says he does, and he's been waiting for him even since before he was born. Magic is dying in other worlds, because there is no belief. Henry believes. Henry can bring the magic back- he can be the Savior. Henry notes that Emma is the Savior, but Pan says maybe having him made her so... Henry is the product of light and dark, something rare. He gives him something that will show Henry he is the one they've been waiting for, but Henry tosses it aside.

Robin Hood, Neal, and Mulan prepare for the shadow. Little Roland says "I believe," but nothing happens... then the window busts open, and the shadow appears. Robin grabs his kid, holding him safe as Neal grabs the shadow and the two fly out. Robin puts his son down to sleep, and he thanks Mulan for her help. He invites her to be in the Merry Men, but she says there's someone she must talk to, inspired by Neal, who said that he should have told Emma he loved her long before.

Mulan goes home and sees Aurora. She asks if Phillip is there, but he is not. Mulan wants to talk to Aurora anyway, but Aurora tells her that she's pregnant before Mulan can speak. Mulan says she's going to join Robin Hood's band. She leaves, tears in her eyes.

Emma and her group corners Tinker Bell, demanding Regina. Regina comes out and tells them Tinker Bell has no more magic. They ask for her help, and offer her a home with them. She agrees to help. Charming hides how upset he is from Snow.

Henry finally picks up the paper Pan has given him, and unrolls it. It's a portrait of himself.

The shadow drops Neal in Neverland. A Lost Boy welcomes him "home."

At the camp, Tinker Bell sneaks over and asks Regina if she ever went back to see the man with the lion tattoo. She calls her selfish. She didn't just ruin her life, she ruined his as well.

Mulan returns to the Merry Men. He shakes her hand- on his wrist is the lion tattoo.