'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 22: 'There's No Place Like Home' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 22: 'There's No Place Like Home' Recap 2001. Neal brings Emma coffee as he picks a lock and breaks her into a closed carnival. She asks him his story - it appears to be a first date. He tells her about his "screwed up family situation" and the feeling of missing a home.

Thrown into the dungeons, Emma meets the girl who was captured at the village previously. She tells her everyone is to be executed in the morning.

Charming captures Snow, and demands his ring back. Hook steps in to say that Emma has it. Snow offers to break into Regina's castle to get the ring and free Snow, if they cut her down.

They go to the castle, and Snow goes off while Hook and Charming stay behind. Snow sends them Red to help, and, as a wolf, she distracts the guards. Charming and Hook get in.

They run right into Emma, who took a note from Neal and picked the lock on her cell. She also freed the other woman, which Hook chides her for. He thinks it will change things drastically.

Snow confronts Regina, and tries to throw the fairy dust at her that will change her into a bug. Regina stops her, and has Snow taken away - to be executed that night. Unable to help, they watch in horror as Regina ties Snow to a pillar and sets her on fire.

Emma weeps in the woods, comforted by Hook. She is confused as to how she is still alive. A bug lands on Emma, and Charming thinks Snow must have turned herself into it with the last of the fairy dust. The blue fairy comes, called by Snow, and changes her back.

Snow and Charming are warming to each other, but Hook is still concerned about the consequences of freeing the other prisoner. Emma suggests they take her with them when they go back. She resists the idea, so Emma knocks her out.

Charming realizes Snow has stolen the ring from him and taken off. He goes off to the Troll Bridge, with Emma following. Previously Snow had used the fairy dust to defeat the trolls, but now, she has no weapon.

They shouldn't have worried. Things play out similarly as before, but this time, Snow simply pretends she has the dark fairy dust. The trolls let Charming go. Emma and Hook observe them in the woods, as Snow tries on the ring for the first time - the moment Charming fell in love with her. In the book, the story is reappearing.

Emma and Hook, with the girl in tow, go back to The Dark One. He tells them he can't open the portal, after all. Only someone who used it can, and they don't possess magic. And, to ensure that nothing gets messed up, he banishes them to the vault where he keeps the most dangerous of his items. Hook tells her she should have her magic back and she can use the wand.

Emma argues that she would use it if she had it. She wants to go back now. Seeing Snow die, and hugging her when she was alive, Emma realized that there was nothing in her eyes. She knows her home - her parents, who love her. As she talks, the wand lights up. She can reopen the portal. Hook goes through, but as Emma is about to, Rumple grabs her.

Before he drinks a forgetting spell, he wants to know what happens with Baelfire. Emma confesses the truth, and he lets her go and then drinks the potion, so he won't remember anything that happened.

Home, Emma runs to Granny's. She hugs her family and tells them she will stay in Storybrooke. She explains what happened, and notices she is in the book now.

Charming and Snow reveal the name of the baby: Prince Neal.

Emma goes outside to talk to Hook, and thanks him for going back to get her in New York in the first place. She asks how he managed to get to her, and he tells her he traded the Jolly Roger for a magic bean to transport him between worlds. They kiss.

In the woods, officiated by Archie, Gold and Belle wed.

Robin and Regina go to Granny's. The prisoner spots them, still thinking Regina is the Evil Queen. Emma explains, and brings her over to meet Regina.

Robin recognizes her - it's Marian, his "dead" wife. Regina is furious at Emma, and tells her she'd better hope she didn't bring anything else back.

But, she did. In the barn, a small bottle brought back with Emma pops open and blue liquid comes out. It takes the form of Elsa ("Frozen,") and strides into the night.