'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 20: 'Kansas' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 20: 'Kansas' Recap Snow is rushed to the hospital, in labor.

Gold spins straw into gold, which Zelena collects and turns into a brain as spinning clears his mind. One ingredient left.

In the past, Glinda comes to visit Zelena. She thanks her for what she did to the Wizard, who tricked the people of Oz. She tells Zelena she is wasting her powers on trying to go back in time. Glinda tells Zelena to come with her, and meet her real sisters.

As Emma works on a protection spell at the hospital, she scolds Hook for not telling her about his curse. Charming tells Emma to take Hook with her to destroy Zelena.

Henry reads the classifieds, looking for a new apartment for Emma after the baby comes. Archie thinks he should talk it out with Emma. Emma, in the meantime, regrets returning to Storybrooke. She wants to go back to New York, but Hook reminds her that her life there was not real. As they argue, Zelena comes up on them. She has Rumple magically hold Hook's head under water.

Glinda brings Zelena to meet the other witches. They offer her a place at the table, as the Witch of the West - she would represent innocence, which she could reclaim. Glinda has seen that a witch brought in by a cyclone will save Oz. Zelena just has to give up her past and her anger and join them.

Emma can finally pull Hook free. She gives him mouth-to-mouth, which steals her magic.

Zelena gives up her resentment toward her sister. Glinda gives her a pendant which will make her more powerful; however, without it, she will be powerless. Glinda welcomes her as a new sister, and Zelena's green vanishes. As Glinda shows her the West, her new lands, a cyclone touches down. They follow it and find a girl in a house carried in - Dorothy. Glinda praises her for being so strong, and Zelena's jealousy begins to sneak in.

Snow gives birth to a baby boy as Zelena rampages through the hospital, knocking out guards. She easily steals the baby and disappears.

Glinda tries to comfort Zelena, who is going green again with Dorothy's appearance. Zelena has also snuck a peek at the book of prophesies, and believes Dorothy is there to take her seat at the table.

Emma returns to the hospital to find Charming about to rush off and find Zelena. They discuss: her magic is gone, so she is out. Henry suggests that Regina, who broke the curse by kissing him (which is light magic), do it.

Zelena confronts Dorothy at the well. She creates a fireball to destroy the girl, but Dorothy throws water at her, and Zelena melts. Dorothy calls Glinda, who takes her to find the Wizard, now returned to human form, so she can go home. As they leave, Zelena rises.

She casts her spell, but is confronted. Gold tells them they have to get the dagger or he'll end up destroying them. They all fight, and Regina, seeing Robin taking back her heart, produces good magic that knocks Zelena down. The dagger is thrown, and Regina grabs her pendant. Zelena is defeated.

Gold attempts to kill her, but Regina grabs the dagger and won't allow him.

Glinda brings Dorothy to the Wizard, who sends her home. After, Glinda discovers it is actually Zelena, who banishes her to the Enchanted Forest.

Regina locks Zelena up, and tells her she is giving her a second chance. She hides Zelena's pendant in her vault.

Gold goes to see Belle, and they are reunited. She gives him the dagger. Regina gave it to her to make amends. She says he can belong to himself now - if he just promises to not go after Zelena. He gives her the dagger back, and proposes.

Charming returns the baby to Snow, as Emma watches. Hook comes up and thanks her for saving him. He asks if her powers have returned and she says no, but she won't need them in New York (he is clearly crushed).

Gold goes to visit Zelena. He explains that he exchanged Belle's dagger for a fake, and has the real one. Zelena begs, but he says he swore to avenge his son. He stabs her, and she turns to glass and shatters, then dust that blows away.

In the vaults, green smoke comes from the pendant. It goes through the woods to the unfinished spell, and ignites it.