'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 2: 'Lost Girl' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 2: 'Lost Girl' Recap Gold builds himself a fire in the jungle - the easy way, of course. He stands before a boulder, and freezes his shadow. He draws his dagger, and cuts it from himself. Gold gives his shadow his dagger and tells him to hide it where no one can find it... not even himself.

The rescue group tromps through the woods on their way to hopefully find Henry. Snow gently asks Emma to call her "Mom," but Emma is hesitant. As Charming is about to hack through a thorny bush, Hook stops him and points out the poison on the thorns. He suggests they go a different way, but Charming moves them on.

Emma tells Hook that Charming is just not used to working with the bad guys, and Hook assures her that Pan is much, much more of a villain that he will ever be.

They reach the ridge and look for Pan's lair, but the jungle has grown up since Hook was there last and he can't find it. Charming wants to go through the Dark Jungle, but Hook tells him that's too dangerous. They'll need to save their strength and camp.

Emma worries they will be too late, but Snow tells her that she has learned it is never too late. Flash back to Charming waking Snow in her glass coffin. A soldier runs the Magic Mirror to Regina, as Snow announces she will take back the kingdom.

Snow rallies the villagers, but no one is willing to fight. Regina appears in the back. She offers Snow a deal. Give up her claim to the throne and she'll let them escape... to exile. Or someone will pay the price.

Regina chokes a hiding village girl, but Snow rushes her with a sword and the spell is broken. Regina tells her that she has until the next day to decide, or she'll start killing off Snow's loyal subjects.

Emma wakes, hearing children crying. She draws a sword and follows the noise.

A little boy (Pan) appears behind her and notes she can hear it too. No one else can seem to. Emma puts the blade under his chin and threatens him. Pan says he'll help her find him - he gives her a map that will lead her straight to Henry. He tells her it's not about finding Henry, it's about HOW she finds Henry. Only she can.

She opens the map but it is blank. He tells her she'll be able to read it when she stops denying who she is, and disappears.

Emma brings it back to the group, and Hook notes that Pan likes his games. Regina wants to magic the map, but Emma won't let her touch it.

Flashback. Snow contemplates Regina's offer, though Charming resists it. He tells her she's Snow White... but she doesn't know who that is. She's just a girl who lost her parents and fled to the forest. She chooses exile, and saving her friends and subjects. The dwarves support her, but Charming insists she must stay in her kingdom. They refuse to help him.

Charming goes to Gold. He needs help "unblinding" Snow again.

In present time, Gold hears rustling in the forest. Something in a cloak darts in and takes the little toy Pan gave him. He rushes after and stops them, drawing back the cloak. It's Belle.

She asks if he is becoming the Dark One again. He tells her it's the only way to save his grandson, and is about to kiss her when he stops. She admits she's in Storybrooke, where he left her. Gold gets suspicious that she's a vision conjured up by Pan, but she says he's the one who conjured her. But why?

In the past, Charming wants a spell from Gold that will make her believe in herself. Charming goes back to Snow and tells her Gold told him of a weapon that will help her regain her kingdom. The weapon will show Regina who she really is.

In the jungle, Emma tries to talk to the map. She tells it who she is, but Snow and Charming push her to admit that she is the Savior. Nothing happens. Regina snatches it. She puts on a locator spell, which should lead them back to Pan. It goes into the Dark Jungle.

Belle and Gold argue over what has brought her. Gold finally admits he is a coward. Only Belle sees the good in him. She asks him what he's wrestling with.

He tells her about the deal with Pan: let him keep Henry, and live. Belle reminds him that he left Baelfire once, and regretted it forever. Gold takes the toy - the last thing his father gave him before he left him. Belle tells him not to repeat the past, and to let it go. She leaves, and Gold throws the little doll over the cliff.

The group follows the map, but Regina stops them. She can sense Pan. Hook tells them to be careful - Pan looks like a boy, but he is a demon.

In the past, Charming and Snow hunt for the weapon. He tells her the weapon was forged by Merlin. They find it - a sword in a stone. Charming attempts to pull it out of the stone but it sticks. He explains that the kingdom's true ruler can free the blade, and suggests she try.  Snow does, and it comes free.

The group walks through the Dark Jungle, but can't find anything... they think they spot Henry, but he turns, and it's Pan. Pan tells her she broke the rules. He tells them cheaters never win, and the lost boys swoop in with drawn arrows, laced with the poison from the plant. A fight breaks out, and Emma tackles a boy, screaming at him to tell her where Henry is. Shocked by herself, she leaps off him.

Pan whistles his boys up, and they run off. Pan reminds Emma that the map will show her where Henry is. She knows the rules.

Flashback: Regina rides through the village. Snow, Charming, and her dwarves await her. Snow draws her sword and tells Regina she can't leave her people with her. Regina begins to magically strangle Grumpy. Charming tells Snow that she is the righful ruler, and she swipes at Regina, managing to cut her cheek. The two declare battle.

Charming has a small wound from the fight, but he won't let Snow look at it. Emma is fixated on the map. Snow tries to comfort her, but Emma is frustrated. Snow thinks maybe there's something Emma is missing... maybe a piece of who she is that Emma doesn't know about. She asks why Emma stopped fighting that boy. Emma admits she recognized the look in the boy's eye. She was a lost little girl once. She doesn't feel like a hero or a savior on the island. She feels like she's always been... an orphan.

The map appears. Snow is hurt, but Emma has accepted who she is. Snow says she was an orphan, but it's her job to change that.

Flashback: Snow finds Gold, and tells him she will pay whatever price he asked of Charming for the sword. He tells her Excalibur is in Camelot. He dissolves the sword, and takes the necklace that belonged to her mother - the cost of wasting his time. Snow finds Charming to yell at him for faking the sword but he explains it was the only way he could think of to get her to believe in herself.

The group looks over the map. Emma says it's time they stop playing Pan's game. Hook asks Emma what she did to unlock the map - who is she? She retorts "Wouldn't you like to know," and he admits that perhaps he would. Emma stomps off.

Gold walks through the jungle. He thinks he hears something... from the sky, his little toy comes falling down beofre him. Gold sets it on fire and smashes it into the ground, but as he walks on, it it sitting on the ground in his path. Defeated, nervous, he tucks it into his coat.

Pan appears to Emma, who is picking berries. He congratulates her and asks if he can call her Lost Girl. He tells her there's a reason he has tested her - she hasn't forgiven her parents for abandoning her. That's good, because when she finds Henry she'll understand him. He hasn't forgive her either, and by the time Emma gets to him, he'll never want to leave the island. He adds that by the time they're finished, Emma won't just feel like an orphan, she'll be one.

Charming wanders into the woods and checks his wound. The poison from the arrow is beginning to take effect.