'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 19: 'A Curious Thing' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 19: 'A Curious Thing' Recap Back in the Enchanted Forest, before the curse, Zelena is confronted by Regina, Snow and Charming. She simply freezes them all, and checks Snow's belly. Determining the baby will do perfectly, she flies off.

As Regina and Robin kiss, she asks him what he sees in her - and he says a second chance.

Later everyone discusses the situation. They think if they can break the curse, they may find out they already know how to defeat Zelena. Regina thinks that, similarly to how Emma broke the curse by believing, they need to get Henry to remember and believe.

Zelena opens the truck of a car, where she has stashed Hooked. She tells him if he doesn't kiss Emma soon, she'll start killing people Emma loves, starting with Henry.

In Storybrooke, Regina, Snow, Charming and Robin, with the help of Belle, are breaking into Gold's castle in search of something that might help them fight Zelena. They find Rumple, trapped in a cage, out of his mind. Belle appeals to him. He tells her light, magic, will stop Zelena. He tells her Glinda the Good Witch was banished, but she can fight Zelena. He loses it before he is able to tell them where to find her, but he sings a song about being pure of heart.

In present time, no one can find Henry's story book. Snow says that previously it just appeared when they needed it.

Emma rushes off, but Henry for once is not appeased and he demands to know what is going on. She tells him as her mother, she knows best, and he does not need to know. He asks for her keys, and sneaks out to try to get into her car. Hook catches him and points out he appears to be running away.

Going through the apartment, no one can find the book. However when Snow double-checks a box, it appears for her. Emma is surprisingly disappointed. Snow realizes she doesn't want Henry to get his memories back, since his past year, although the memories were fake, was a good year for him.

In the woods, Regina, Snow, and Charming find a door that leads to nowhere Snow realizes it was part of Rumple's riddle. She steps through, followed by Charming, and disappears. However Regina (not pure of heart) cannot pass through.

Snow and Charming meet Glinda, banished to an ice land. She tells them her magic is not powerful enough to defeat Zelena. She says they were friends long ago but Zelena gave into her dark side. However she has a pendant, given by Glinda, that focuses her magic. If they can take it they can weaken her. And magic of pure love can defeat Zelena - they realize that means Emma. Snow says they must enact the curse to get back to her.

Regina tells them she can't enact the curse again. Charming tells Snow to take his heart and do it herself but she refuses.

Emma realizes Henry is gone. Hook has brought him to the dock, where he meets Smee. Hook tells him that Smee is going to New York and he can bring him. However, one of the monkeys flies in and attacks. They hide in the boathouse. Hook fends off the monkeys and tells Henry to go with Smee. As Hook runs out of bullets, back-up arrives. Emma shoots the others and Regina uses her magic to pick off the rest. Emma gives Henry the book, the "truth." When Henry takes the book, his memories come back.

Zelena shows up and snatches Henry. She blames Hook and begins to choke Henry. However Emma focuses her power and burns Zelena, freeing Henry. Zelena takes off and Regina passes out.

Despite her protests, Regina has worked up a curse for Snow to enact. She tells Charming she can't kill him, but he tells her it's the only way. They say their goodbyes. Regina takes his heart. Snow finally crushes it into the potion, and Charming drops. Regina tells her it's not in vain... they will defeat Zelena. Zelena shows up of course, throwing some magic into the potion. She says she can't stop it but she can spice it up with a forgetting potion. Snow realizes she has killed her husband for nothing.

Henry wakes up Regina, and, with him remembering now, she can kiss him and tell him she loves him. That breaks the curse. Suddenly everyone remembers. They tell her Emma is the one who can defeat Zelena. Emma realizes that someone must have had to die for them to get there.

Crouched over Charming, Snow has an idea. She tells Regina to pull out her heart and split in two. She and Charming have shared a heart anyway. Regina thinks it will kill her, but she does it anyway. Charming wakes up.

Emma confronts Hook and he admits to her that Zelena cursed his lips. She is angry Hook tried to hustle Henry out of Storybrooke. Snow and Charming call him a liar - they never sent him a message to find Emma. He insists that he got a message and the remembering potion from them.

Zelena mixes up some remembering potion. She drinks it and gives one to Gold. As he is about to drink, Neal manages to pull himself out of Gold. He tells him they don't need to remember but Emma does. He writes the message and sends off the potion on a bird, before falling back into Gold.

Snow begins to go into labor.