'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 18: 'Bleeding Through' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 18: 'Bleeding Through' Recap Regina opens the door to the bell and finds a basket of green apples on her stoop. Behind her, Zelena sits comfortably on the table. She helps herself around the house, telling Regina she takes everything for granted.

As the two bicker, Zelena tells Regina she has no idea what really happened with Cora - and that's what will really hurt her. And then the truth comes out: Zelena is keeping an eye on Regina so the Dark One can take her heart.

In the woods, Gold is held at arrow point by Robin Hood, the guardian of the heart. Gold uses magic on his son, Roland. With Roland's life threatened, Robin gives him the heart. Gold apologizes and vanishes.

Regina comes through the woods to find out what has happened. As she is still alive, she knows Zelena must be using the heart for something truly terrible.

Regina goes to Gold's shop and begins rooting around. When she explains that she's trying to destroy Zelena, Belle tells her to leave, reminding her they don't exactly have a chummy history. Regina appeals to her, and Belle caves in. She says she's been working on figuring out the spell Zelena might be creating, but needs to know why Regina's heart is so vital to it. Regina has no idea.

She seems struck with something and demands the candle Snow used to kill her mother.

Flashback to Cora, as a young woman working in a tavern. A man tells her to sit with him. He is impressed by her. His handkerchief falls and Cora notes the royal crest. He is Prince Jonathan. He uses a piece of straw as a ring and promises to return in two weeks with a gold one. He asks her to marry him and she accepts. Since they are essentially married (sure), she goes to his room with him.

At Regina's, everyone has gathered. She pours out a poison for summoning the dark vortex. She explains that Zelena says her weakness is not knowing her past, so she plans to summon someone who does.

Whatever Zelena's spell is, it has everything it requires now, including Gold's brain (yet to be harvested). She tells him to put on a suit.

Regina explains that to talk to the dead you need the murderer, and the murder weapon. Snow is horrified. Regina lights the candles and the vortex opens up, but there's no Cora to come to her call. Regina ends the ritual, saying her mother has ignored them.

Waiting for her prince's return, in the rain, Cora finally gives up and takes off her straw ring. However walking through the grounds she sees him, and confronts him. She realizes he is the gardener. She tells him she is pregnant, and will take her story to the real prince. As she struggles with him he knocks her down and runs. A man comes to see if she is all right - the real prince, Prince Leopold.

Everyone leaves Regina's except Snow. As they go to talk, a door disappears in the vortex.

The prince and Cora walk, talking and becoming friends. Cora is cold, and she builds them a fire since he is unable. He despairs that he is unable to choose his wife and is betrothed to someone he has never met.

Snow apologizes to Regina for killing her mother, and Regina is surprisingly forgiving, since Cora did terrible things to Snow. They hear something upstairs, and go to check on it. They find Cora's ghost spinning in an empty room.

Hook and Emma go to Granny's, where she teases and flirts but he is grumpy. As Emma is trying to get him to explain why, Belle runs in, having discovered Zelena's curse.

Zelena has dinner with Gold, explaining to him her curse - she is going to turn back time. He insists it cannot be done, but she swears she has figured out how.

Regina is confused as to how Cora is there, and insists she speak with them. Cora attacks Snow, shoving Regina aside, but Regina magics them downstairs. Cora chases them and Regina holds her off. They fight, and Cora enters Snow, making her live her memories.

Young Cora admires her new engagement ring. The gardener comes to see if the rumors are true. He blackmails her. She agrees to bring him money in exchange for silence on her pregnancy.

Leopold finds her being sneaky, and tells her that there is a rumor in the castle that she is with child. She tells him it was a lie. Unfortunately, the woman he was supposed to marry, Princess Eva, overheard her interaction with the gardener. She has Leopold check Cora's pockets and finds the jewels she was going to pay off. She is taken away and Eva promises Leopold a child as pure as snow.

Regina pulls Cora from Snow, and banishes her through the vortex. Belle rushes in and explains that Zelena plans to go back in time. Snow realizes that her mother is the one who made her give up Zelena. Zelena is going to go back in time and kill Snow's mother.

David realizes that somehow the baby is the key to making the spell work for the first time in history.

Cora gives birth, and she abandons her baby so she may have a chance to be more than a miller's daughter.

Gold tells Zelena he has seen his failings. He kisses her... but as they kiss she realizes he is just trying to take the dagger from her.

Snow helps clean up, and comforts Regina as they tease about their complicated past. Snow insists Regina's heart will find its way to happiness.

Regina goes to the woods and finds Robin Hood. She kisses him.