'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 17: 'The Jolly Roger' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 17: 'The Jolly Roger' Recap Flashback to Hook, dressed in a knight's outfit, stopping a caravan on the road. Dummies with arrows light up, making it seem that he is surrounded by an army. The soldiers retreat, and Hook and his small band take the gold.

While celebrating, Hook's men tell him they have a treat for him - a prostitute. He goes into the room with her and pays her again... to lie about sleeping with him. As she leaves, Hook is knocked out by a girl: Ariel.

Nine months later:

Emma and Charming attempt to put together the cradle for Snow's baby. Regina comes in, with a completed protection spell that should keep Zelena away from Snow's baby.

Emma suggests that Regina should teach her to use her magic, so they can team up and become stronger. Regina agrees. Snow and Charming say they'll watch Henry, but Emma reluctantly admits that Henry doesn't think they are fun. He's fonder of Hook.

Smee, at this point, is speaking with Hook, and wondering why they don't team up again and go pirating. Smee thinks they can outrun the dangers with the Jolly Roger, and get back onto the sea, away from Storybrooke. Hook has no intention of leaving, for reasons he won't discuss - probably related to Emma, who shows up and asks him to watch Henry.

Citizens gather around something on the shore - it's Ariel, who has washed up. She's been looking for Eric, unable to find him. They tell her Hook is the only one with his memories left; perhaps he could help.

Flashback to Ariel holding a knife to Hook's throat, demanding to know what happened to Eric. He turns the tables and pulls the knife on her, and she says she knows he was taken by the Jolly Roger. Hook demands to know who has been captaining his ship, and all Ariel knows is that the knife held against her was stolen from the Roger.

Hook runs to grab Smee, telling him Black Beard has taken his ship. Ariel wants to go along with as he tries to regain the Jolly Roger, to save Eric.

When Emma shows reluctance to learn Regina's way, Regina decides to teach as Rumple taught her - sink or swim. She magics them to a rickety bridge very high up...

Hook has been confronted by Charming and Snow about Eric, but claims to know nothing. Hook suggests subtly to Charming that Ariel's prince, if missing, is probably dead.

Back to Hook, Smee and Ariel off to find Black Beard. She tells him she had heard that he has changed, and he has helped Snow White and Prince Charming, but he reminds her he is a pirate and won't change. She gets angry at him when his hook snags her cloak - Eric's cloak.

Present time: Ariel is reunited with Belle as Hook and Ariel go to the shop, to look for something of Eric's. They find something, although Hook seems upset about it... Belle sprinkles a locator spell on Eric's cloak, the item they've found.

Emma isn't happy to be on a teetering bridge, especially as Regina makes it collapse around her. Regina tells her Emma works best on instinct. The rope snaps, and Emma plummets... but she comes back up, saving herself.

Ariel, Smee, and Hook have located the Jolly Roger. Hook confronts Black Beard, who tells him to reclaim his ship. They fight. As Hook is about to kill Black Beard, Ariel makes him stop. Eric is not on board and she wants to know where he is. Black Beard tells them he's on a deserted island, being held for ransom. No longer for money... instead he wants to prove that Hook is no longer a pirate. Hook can give him the ship, and he'll tell them where Eric is.

In Storybrooke, they chase the cloak, which goes into the water... and beneath it. Ariel begins to cry. She thanks Hook for trying to help her.

In an effort to connect with Henry, Charming has decided to teach him how to drive. On the road, they swerve all over and Henry hits a mailbox.

Flashing back, Hook is about to walk Black Beard off the plank. Ariel appeals to him, trying to get him to stop, but Hook's love of his ship is too strong. Hook throws his enemy into the water and reclaims his ship. Ariel tells him he is heartless and will never be happy. She goes off in search of her prince.

In Storybrooke, Hook stops Ariel and tells her he has a confession. They met during the missing year. He tells her what happened and apologizes, and cries. She slaps him. He wishes he could make things right. He swears on the name of the woman who broke his heart - Emma. Ariel says that's exactly what she needed to hear, and Hook's mouth glows green. She turns into Zelena, who says Ariel found her prince and has been happily living with him since. She explains that she has cursed him - the next time he kisses Emma, all of her magic will be stolen from her.

Hook goes to Emma's, but doesn't tell her the truth. He says that Ariel is off to find Eric on Hangman's Island. Regina decides this is a teaching moment, and has Emma use the mirror to peak in on Ariel. They see the two happy together on a beach. Emma is impressed Hook helped her find her her happy ending.

Hook excuses himself, and Emma tells him whatever happened in the past year, whatever he is hiding, she doesn't care.