'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 15: 'Quiet Minds' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 15: 'Quiet Minds' Recap Everyone is on the lookout for Gold. Hook tells them that Neal was planning to try to bring Gold back and get to Emma's realm, but no one has any explanation for how he might have done it.

Zelena uses the dagger to try and summon The Dark One, but nothing happens. Rumple has broken free and is on the loose. She sends a monkey to look for him.

Gold races through the forest.

Belle looks at the gold straw, amazed. They think Gold will come to her first, so Hook stays to protect her.

One year ago, Belle speaks with Neal. She thinks they can ressurect Gold. Neal shows her a necklace that was Emma's. Belle lights a candle, freeing Lumier.

Someone bangs at the door of the shop, breaking in. It's Neal. He falls to the floor.

Emma stops by to see Henry, who is suspicious of why they are there and why she has been lying. She gets a call and has to leave. She runs to the hospital where Neal is. He doesn't have any idea what has been happening. They tell him they think Gold is back. Emma notices a strange triangle wound on his hand. He wants to see Henry, and Emma has to tell him he won't remember him as anything but a deadbeat dad.

Belle and Neal appeal to Lumier for assistance, though he is reluctant to help the man who trapped him in a candle. He finally points them to a book. It's a hiding place for a key to the Dark One's vault. He will help them if Gold restores him. When they leave, Zelena comes in and summons him back. He is in her service.

Zelena goes to visit Snow.

Regina has an encounter with Robin Hood, who accidentally shoots at her. They are introduced for the "first" time. He goes with her to the farm house as Regina looks for clues. They find nothing, but when Robin pours her a drink, she notices his tattoo.

Emma and Charming manage to find Gold in the forest, screaming in agony and clutching his head. He can't get the voices to quiet. A monkey attacks and Charming holds him off while Emma and Gold run, Emma losing Gold. She finds Neal, however.

Neal and Belle have taken Lumier to a vault with the key. Belle, however, catches him in a lie when he claims he was in the library for 200 years. He confesses Rumple didn't put him in the candle, the witch did. She wants them to bring back the Dark One. Belle wants to stop but Neal thinks bringing him back as the Dark One is better than nothing. He puts the key in and opens the vault, burning the triangle into his hand.

Belle has found that symbol in a book and calls Emma to tell her that she found the vault and symbol in a book. However it's a one-to-one trade... if Neal is the one who freed the Dark One, than a life was needed. Neal should be dead. As Emma looks at him, he screams in pain, his face turning into Gold's.

The Dark One has been summoned. He holds his son as Zelena comes out, happy her plan has worked. He holds onto Neal, protecting him, but he can't have the dagger and Neal both. She grabs the dagger, and Neal vanishes into Rumple. Zelena tells him to kill Belle... as he fights it, Lumier grabs Zelena in flame, a short respite, and Belle grabs the candle and runs.

Neal and Gold have been connected. He asks Emma to separate them, even though it will kill him. Emma reluctantly uses her magic to pull Gold out of Neal, so he can tell Emma who the witch is and protect his family. He tells them it's Zelena, but he can't save Neal anymore. Neal gives Emma her necklace, and tells her to tell Henry he was a good father. Neal says goodbye to Emma and his father.

Neal dies.

Emma and Charming rush to Snow, and break into the bathroom where Zelena is. It's empty. They fill her in on what happened.

Gold sits with his dead son as Zelena comes up. He can't do anything, though. With his head empty the dagger can control him again.

Emma finds Henry and tearfully tells him the true reason they came to Storybrooke was to help his father, who was in trouble. She tells him he was an excellent father, and he died a hero.