'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 14: 'The Tower' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 14: 'The Tower' Recap Charming walks through his baby's nursery, confused. He knows he shoudn't be there. He turns and finds Emma, dressed up beautifully. She tells him she's nervous about the ball. Charming dances with her, and she tells him she never got to live this life because he failed her. The lights go out and the wardrobe sucks Emma in, as Charming tries to save her. She tells him not to fail the next one.

He wakes from his nightmare. He finds Snow by the window. She tells him she is pregnant.

Hook, Emma, Regina, Charming and Snow discuss what to do about the Wicked Witch, now that they know who the culprit is. Regina is worried about Henry's safety and wants to keep an eye on him.

Gold spins in his prison cell. Zelena has the dagger, and he is a slave to her as long as she does. She goes to Gold's old shop where she finds Belle, and asks for Gold. Belle tells her that he has died. She tells Belle she is looking for a baby gift for Mary Margaret, and wins her trust. As Belle walks to find a gift, Zelena freezes her. She goes to the safe and takes out an item from a jar.

At Regina's office, they look for more clues and find holly berry crushed in a footprint. Charming gets a text from Snow - she is meeting the midwife and wants him to come home.

In the Enchanted Forest, Robin finds Charming sneaking a drink in the stables. Charming confesses he has a feeling of dread he cannot escape. Robin tells him of a nightroot that can erase all fear - only problem is, it's only found in a haunted forest.

Charming goes home to meet Zelena. As she makes them tea, Charming admits to Snow he's hesitant, since they don't know her. Zelena sneaks something into the tea.

Charming rides through the forest and finds the root to take away fear - it is what Zelena stole from Gold's and snuck into the tea. He hears someone yelling for help in the woods and races off. He finds a tall tower with no doors, and climbs. He finds a pretty girl with an excess of hair. She tells him she left her kingdom for the nightroot as well. Her brother died and she was left in line to rule. She was crippled by nightmares. She was caught by a witch and trapped.

The witch knows he is there, and begins to creepily climb the hair rope.

Zelena discusses the fears the couple may have about the birth, and gets Charming to drink his drugged tea.

Regina and Henry walk, and discuss Storybrooke. Henry thinks Emma wanted to get out of New York for a while.

Emma and Hook walk through the woods. Emma is suspicious of Hook's past year and demands truth. He refuses to tell her. As Charming goes through the woods, looking for holly, he is stalked by Rupunzel's witch. He sees it, and goes after it, but it appears behind him and knocks him out.

Emma and Hook come across a farm house. They see a storm cellar, but before they explore, Emma checks her phone and sees a voicemail from Charming.

Charming attacks the witch and stabs it with his sword. It is unaffected, and chokes him. He rips off the hood and finds himself.

In Rapunzel's tower, the witch has captured Charming. It reveals it is also Rapunzel. Charming tells her it is her fear and she has to overcome it. He talks her through it and she cuts her hair, destroying the witch. Rapunzel tells him her brother died saving her from a river. The throne was his, and she worries her parents won't forgive her.

In the forest Charming fights his own fear - that he will be a bad father. He realizes he won't let it stop him, and defeats his own witch. In the Enchanted Forest, he unites Rapunzel with her family. He admits to Snow he is afraid and she tells them they're going to raise the baby together.

Charming tells Regina, Hook, and Emma what happened, and how when he vanquished his fear with the broken hilt of his sword, it disappeared. Regina tells him his courage went into the hilt, and the witch stole it. As a symbol, it's a powerful totem. They go back to the storm cellar, the lock now broken, and go in. They find the empty cage, with straw spung into gold on the floor.