'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 13: 'Witch Hunt' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 13: 'Witch Hunt' Recap The Wicked Witch prepares to meet with Regina. She sends off one of her flying monkeys to gather her.

Red tells Snow that Regina isn't looking so well, and Snow goes to speak with her. Regina is still lost in thought about Henry, but she's also thinking of tunnels underneath the castle. They might run below the spell, and she may be able to sneak in and lower the shield.

The monkey attacks, and Regina manages to rush in front of Robin Hood's son, saving him. She turns the monkey into a toy for him.

In present time, Emma asks Snow to explain what happened, and Snow says everything went black. They're not even sure if they left Storybrooke. Hook explains that they did, and how he left on his own as they made their way to the castle. As he was sailing, a seagull landed on his ship with a note instructing him to get Emma, and was carrying the memory potion.

A few dwarves come in, worried. People are going missing. Emma asks about Neal, and they say they haven't found him. Emma decides they need to figure out who took their memories so they can get them back.

Recovering from the monkey attack, Regina now realizes who is in the castle. She says she never met her, so for once it's not a personal vendetta. Regina goes off to attempt to lower the shield, resisting Snow's offer of help.

Henry, who has not had memories returned, meets Mary Margaret and David at Granny's. Regina is in the diner and sees them, dropping her dishes. Emma pulls her aside to talk to her. Regina is horrified that Henry looked right through her and points out she didn't do this curse - she would never want Henry to not remember her.

In the woods, Robin Hood and his men attempt to adjust to modern day. Little John runs after a turkey, crossing the Storybrooke boundary. A monkey snatches him up immediately.

Robin brings Emma and David to the border and explains what happens. Emma goes to call a town meeting. The people begin to get worked up and blame Regina. Emma tells Regina she's not getting near Henry until the curse gets figured out. Angry, Regina disappears.

Regina walks through the Enchanted Forest to the tunnels, and finds she has been followed by Robin Hood.

Emma follows Regina to her office, and says the townspeople bought her Evil Queen act. Now to figure things out. Regina wants to try to replicate the memory potion.

Regina and Robin walk through the tunnels, toward a fire in the courtyard that runs the spell. Robin explains that his son's mother is dead, and it was his fault. Regina finds a door open that should not be, as she sealed it with blood magic. It opens into the crypt of her mother. Robin asks about the child Regina has lost.

Mary Margaret reads about babies at the diner. The Wicked Witch, dressed as a civilian, addresses Snow. She claims she was a midwife named Zelena in their other world. Snow asks her for advice as she prepares for her birth and Zelena offers to stick with her through the process.

After searching through the woods, they uncover Little John, badly bitten.

In the castle, Regina begins to prepare a sleeping spell. Not for the witch, however, for herself. Robin tries to stop her, but she freezes him in place. She promises to lower the spell so Charming and Snow can still get in, but will put herself to sleep afterward.

Regina's attempts to replicate the spell aren't going well. Emma suggests they need to run a different con. She wants to smoke out the person they need by setting a trap to make them think she's close to getting the spell. Regina tells Grumpy, and he announces it at the diner.

Little John is rushed to the hospital, where he changes into a flying monkey and busts out the window.

Regina and Emma stake out Regina's, as Regina asks about Henry. She doesn't want to meet him yet, though, it will be too hard. They see someone moving in the window and rush in, but before they can catch the person, they vanish in green smoke. Regina is shocked. She's never seen someone break through blood magic before.

In the castle, Regina breaks down the protection shield and outside Charming's forces begin to move in. Regina goes to enact her sleep curse, with the hope that one day Henry will wake her. Before she can do it, the Wicked Witch interrupts. Regina asks about breaking the blood curse, and Zelena informs her that she didn't need to. She is Regina's sister.

She was Cora's first child, but sent away. She explains she was also trained by Rumplestiltskin. She promises to take everything away from Regina. She wants to make her suffer, she promises before flying off.

Strangely, this is the thing Regina needed to live for: someone to destroy.

Emma introduces Henry to Regina. Regina offers to show Henry around the town. She does to hug him but is given a handshake.

Charming tells them what is happening to the people who are missing. Zelena takes a tray into a storage cellar, where she has a prisoner - it's Gold, but he seems to be losing his mind, giggling like the Dark One again.