'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 12: 'New York City Serenade' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 12: 'New York City Serenade' Recap The curse has returned everyone to the Enchanted Forest.

One year later: Emma goes on a date with her new man, Walsh, and as they eat, he asks her if she's happy. He excuses himself for a moment. Hook sits in his place. He apologizes and explains he was trying to jog her memory, and her parents are in danger.

He shows her proof that he knows who she really is - he gives her an address. She doesn't believe him, and he tells her to use his superpower to see that he's telling the truth. He'll meet her in Central Park after she goes to the address.

In the EF, Snow wants Regina to unite with them, to bring hope to all. However, Aurora and her prince are hiding a secret. They discuss whether or not they should tell the newcomers about "her."

Walsh comes back with dessert for Emma... and an engagement ring.

Emma runs out on the proposal, chased by Walsh. She tells him it's all going too fast, though she does love him. He tells her she can take as long as she wants before they get married, and she asks for time to think.

She goes home to Henry. He asks her what she said to Walsh, since he had suspected he would propose. Henry tells his mom that not every guy will leave her like his dad. He knows she likes Walsh, because he's the first guy she's ever let Henry meet.

Hook is not going to the castle with everyone else. The EF is not his home. He wants to find The Jolly Roger. Neal wants to go to Rumple's castle to seek for a way to get back, but Snow and Charming tells him there's no way to get back, Regina was clear about that.

Emma is distracted by the address Hook gave her, and Henry notices that she is acting strangely. Once he goes to school, Emma goes to the address. She finds a dreamcatcher, and realizes it's Neal's apartment. She also finds a camera with "Henry" embroidered on the strap.

She meets Hook to find out how Neal knew about Henry. Hook tries to explain about the curse. He tells her she has to drink a potion to help her remember everything she's lost. She handcuffs him and calls over the police, saying he assaulted her, and leaves him to be arrested.

Belle speaks with Neal. She thinks they can get Rumple back as well. Grumpy comes up to tell Snow that Regina has vanished. Snow finds her in the woods, burying something. It's a heart. Snow realizes Regina has taken out her own heart. Snow reminds her that she said goodbye to her family as well, but the pain will let her eventually find happiness. Regina puts her heart back into her chest. As they walk through the woods, something flies out of a bush.

It's a flying monkey. It attacks them and they fight back, but aren't doing well. A man appears and scares the monkey off - Robin Hood.

Emma talks with Henry, thinking maybe he was right and she needs to start looking forward. She has decided to accept Walsh. He tells her to trust her gut.

When he goes inside, Emma looks at the photos she had developed from Henry's camera.

She releases Hook from jail and confronts him about the pictures. He tells her to trust her gut, and finally she drinks the potion. Her memories come back.

As they continue through the EF, they realize that the castle has been seized... by someone.

Hook fills Emma in on what happened. He says he got a message that there was a new curse, and everyone had been returned to Storybrooke. Only Emma could save them. Hook explains he only had enough memory potion for one, so Emma wonders what she will say to Henry.

The bell rings - Walsh. She goes to talk to him. She tells him she can't marry him, she has to go home and take care of things. He tries to convince her to stay... but she won't be moved. He changed abruptly, and tells her she shouldn't have had the potion. His eyes go red and he attacks her: a flying monkey. She fights him off and defeats him, as Hook runs up. She claims it's a reminder that she can never have what she's wanted.

Emma makes breakfast for Henry. She asks him if he believes in magic (no). She tells him he's not going to school... they're going on a trip to Maine. She brings in Killian to meet Henry and claims he's a client.

They go back to Storybrooke: it's back. He tells her they don't know what the curse did this time. Emma goes to find her parents. She knocks on the door, and David hugs her. They're both surprised the other remembers each other. David tells her they're trapped again, and the last year has been wiped away.

Emma asks how they know it's been a year if they have no memory... Snow comes down to greet Emma, heavily pregnant.

A monkey brings Regina's blood to the green Wicked Witch, who vows to get her revenge.