'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 11: 'Going Home' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 11: 'Going Home' Recap Felix and Peter prepare to cast the spell by the well in the forest.

Gold tells the group what is happening, and says the only way the spell can be undone is with the scroll itself - and Regina, the original caster, must destroy it. Gold says there will be a steep price.  They need to switch Henry back into Pan's body.

Felix waits for the spell to work, but Pan tells him that he needs the heart of the one he loves most. He explains he never loved his son, but he appreciates loyalty. Felix resists as Pan takes his heart and crumbles it into the well.

Flashback to Snow talking with the Blue Fairy about the wardrobe. Blue explains that Snow's child will be the Savior. She tells Snow and Charming to have faith. Snow is desolate that her daughter will never see the life she has envisioned for her, and her happy ending is gone. With help from Charming, Snow chooses hope.

In Gold's shop, Snow shows Emma the mobile that hung over her crib. Gold explains they need the wand from the Blue Fairy, now deceased. Tink, Charming, Hook and Neal go to get it, but the other fairies resist. The Shadow breaks in and they all take cover.

Flashback to Smee and Hook wandering the island, looking for a way off. Hook is seeking the dagger to end The Dark One, and he must get back to his land. Smee falls unexpectedly, and Hook finds a knife at his throat - Tinker Bell. He explains he's looking for magic to get off the island. She refuses to help him. He gives her some rum, and he tells her about how Gold murdered the woman he loved. He wants his vengence.

While hiding from the Shadow, Hook distracts it so Neal can trap the shadow. He calls on Tink to help him, to use her pixie dust so she can light the candle. She does, and it works - she flies up and captures the Shadow, and throws the coconut into the fire. The Blue Fairy has her shadow returned, and revives. She gives Tink her wings back. She gives them the wand they need.

In Gold's shop, Gold puts a bracelet on Henry/Pan that will make sure when Pan returns to his body, he won't be able to use magic. Gold puts Henry under the spell to release his spirit. Everyone, except Gold, go off to find Henry.

In Storybrooke, before the original curse is broken, Snow comes to talk to Henry, who has not turned in his homework. She tells him everything will be ok. Henry explains he doesn't belong there, no one loves him. Snow gives him the book she found in her home one day, that she had never noticed before. She says it was almost like magic, and she saw hope when she looked inside.

Henry is back in his body, and he has the scroll. He gives it to Regina, who faints.

Pan wakes up in his body. Gold tells him he wants to talk, and have Pan think about what he's done. Pan claims Rumplestiltskin ate his dreams away, and he can't be free of him. Gold prepares to kill him, but Pan takes off the cuff and magics it onto Gold, explaining that he made the cuff. Pan knocks Gold down and tells him he's going to kill those special to him.

Flashback to Gold as The Dark One, lighting a candle for Bae. Belle comes in with flowers, but he tells her to go away and extinguishes the candle.

Gold struggles to remove the bracelet, but can't. He sees a sword on the floor and picks it up, eyeing his wrist.

Regina wakes up, confused. She tells them she saw what needed to be done. Henry asks if she will be okay, and she says the important thing is that he will.

Pan, however, takes the scroll from her and freezes them all. He decides to kill Neal first - Gold grabs his shoulder and stops him. He tells Neal he used to curse to find him to explain he made a mistake and he wants him to have happiness... and he realizes that will not be with him. He tells Neal and Belle that he loves them. Gold calls his shadow, which brings him his dagger; the only way for Pan to die is to kill them both. He stabs Pan through the back, and Pan turns back into his father. He tells Gold they can start over, Gold stabs through them both, kissing his father, and in a flash of light they both vanish.

The group is unfrozen, Belle falling down weeping. Regina picks up the scroll they dropped, distracted. They ask her if she can stop the curse. The curse starts to roll in. Emma asks what the price is, and Regina tells her the price is hers. She has to say goodbye to the thing she loves most. She has to undo the curse that created Storybrooke. It will disappear, and everyone will go back to where they are from. Only, Henry was born in this world and will stay. Regina tells Emma she is the Savior, and she can escape it and stay with Henry.

Emma doesn't want to leave her new family, but Snow tells her happy endings aren't always what is expected. Regina explains they have no choice.

Phoenix, 11 years ago. Emma gives birth to Henry, but refuses to hold him. She says she can't be a mother.

The people of Storybrooke gather at the edge of the town and hug Henry and Emma. Henry tells Regina it's all his fault for going to get Emma. He thought Regina didn't love him but he was wrong. Regina says it was her fault, for being a villain. Villains don't get happy endings.

Emma says goodbye to Neal. He says it's not over, he'll see them both again.

Hook tells her there's not a day where he won't think of her. Regina tells Emma there's one more thing - nothing will be left behind. Including her memories. Storybrooke won't exist, and won't have existed. She doesn't know what will happen to Emma and Henry. There is one thing she can do, though. She can give them new memories. She can make it so that Emma never gave Henry up, and they have always been together. She'll give them the life they always wanted.

Emma says goodbye to her mother and father, and she and Henry get in the car. They drive over the line as Regina uses her magic, and behind them, Storybrooke disappears.

Back to Emma refusing baby Henry. The doctor reminds her she can change her mind. She asks to hold him.

In the car, she smiles at her son as they drive off.

One year later:

Emma wakes up and makes breakfast for her and Henry. There is a loud knock on the door. She opens it to find Hook. He tells her that her family is in trouble and he's found her at last. He knows she doesn't remember but he can make her - he kisses her, and she kicks him and shuts the door on him. She tells Henry it was nothing.