'Once Upon a Time' Season 3, Episode 10: 'The New Neverland' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 3, Episode 10: 'The New Neverland' Recap Belle helps Ariel find her prince. He works on the dock, chopping fish. He sees her and kisses her. In the sky, the ship returns to Storybrooke. There is great celebration as the gang returns. Belle cries, hugging Gold.

Neal gives Gold his cane, but Gold says he is no longer that man.

The Lost Boys, and Wendy, come down from the ship. Wendy's brothers greet her, and the Darlings decide they must go home.

Charming is doing fine away from Neverland with help from the water, and Snow is positive Gold will find a cure. Snow announces that Regina helped saved them, as she stands lonely.

Flashback to Regina announcing she would destroy the couple on their wedding day. Snow is determined to fight back but Charming tells her they're just threats. He promises to take her anywhere she wants to go: she says the Summer Palace.

Emma and Gold discuss the shadow in the ship's sails, but Gold says only Pan can free it - and Pan is in the box... right?

Henry/Pan consults with Felix, and decides the next part of the plan is to punish Felix to gain everyone's trust. They take him away. Gold hides the box in his shop, where only he can open the spell hiding it.

Gold and Belle discuss their future together.

At a party at Granny's, Emma presents "Henry" with his book. He's less than enthused, and Emma is surprised. Neal speaks with Hook, and Hook says for Henry's sake, he'll back off of Emma. However, he's in for the long haul. He's going to wait and see what happens.

The Blue Fairy and Tink are reunited. Regina demands that Tink get her wings back. Blue says if Tink can't believe in herself, no one can.

Neal tries to get Emma to go on a date with him but she's uncertain. He tells her he'll be at Granny's tomorrow, if she wants to meet him. Emma tells Snow she can't worry about that stuff, not now, with Henry.

Flashback to Charming carrying Snow into the Summer Palace. He tries to undo her cloak but she won't let him. When he goes off, Snow reveals that she has many weapons under her cloak. She sneaks out the window and rushes off, but finds Charming awaiting her in the road. She tells him she's looking for a creature she has heard of - Medusa. She wants to take her head, so she can use it to turn Regina into stone. He refuses to let her go alone and offers to help... as long as, afterwards, she can relax and enjoy herself.

Emma tells Henry it's time for bed. She tells him to say goodbye to Regina, and Henry asks if he can stay with her for the night. Regina is thrilled, and Emma allows it.

"Henry" paces his old room at Regina's. He asks her about her vault. He says he may need magic to protect himself from Pan, if he escapes and comes after him. Regina tells him magic is dangerous; she will protect him. She puts him to bed. When she leaves, he goes to the window and announces it is time. The shadow escapes from the sails and flies through town.

Snow and Charming search for Medusa's cave. Snow notes that before, Regina only threatened them, but now she has threatened the entire kingdom. Charming wonders why Snow would sentence her to becoming stone where before she saved her.

At Granny's, Snow and Charming are eating lunch when Gold brings in an elixir that will cure him. He says it's on the house... though if he ever needs a favor he is sure Charming will be happy to help. Charming drinks it, and wonders if he and his wife should start on the baby-making... Snow isn't in the mood when she notices Neal sitting alone behind them.

Charming goes and finds Emma. She says that Henry doesn't seem like himself. She still feels like something bad will happen. Charming tries to talk her out of her funk.

Hook offers Tink a drink, though she sees right through him. They are interrupted by a woman screaming. They race off, and encounter Tink and Hook on the street. The four chase the sound, and find the Blue Fairy being chased by the shadow. It rips her shadow, and flies off. She is dead. Hook notes that it only takes orders from one person: Pan. Emma goes to get "Henry."

Snow and Charming enter Medusa's cave. Charming goes to draw her out so Snow can kill her. Snow tries, but the sword breaks. Medusa is only stunned. Snow and Charming run and hide. However she captures Snow. Charming tries to free her, and is turned to stone.

Emma knows Pan is somehow behind the death. She gently warns Regina to keep an eye on Henry, but Regina takes it as a a slight against her. She goes to take Henry to the safest place in Storybrooke: her vault.

Snow won't leave Charming stuck as Snow. She hears Regina... who is observing through her mirror and having a great time. She thanks Snow for defeating herself. Snow uses a shiny shield to make Medusa look into her own eyes. She turns to stone, and Charming  is returned.

Emma runs to Gold and demands the box. They need to let Pan out and stop him, but Gold refuses until Emma asks if he'd rather be sure he is gone.

They take the box to the edge of Storybrooke. Emma steps over, and Gold releases Pan on the non-magic side of the line. "Pan" comes out and sees Emma holding a gun at him. He calls her "Mom" and tries to explain. Emma tells him to say something only Henry knows. Everyone urges her to shoot Pan so he can't get in there and wreak havok, but he tells her about how she told him she gave him up to give him a better chance. They realize it's Henry and bring him back into Storybrooke.

The real Pan is down in the vaults with Regina, who is promising to be the mother he always wanted her to be. He grabs a potion and knocks her out with it.

After their incident with Medusa, Snow admits to Charming that she wants to start a family, but she's afraid to bring a child into a world where Regina always poses a threat. They agree to start living in the present and start for a family.

The group all meets at the vault, but it is locked. Gold can't even open it. Emma realizes the bad things in her life will never stop. Gold finally gets the vault open and they go in, finding Regina knocked out. They wake her, and she is furious she missed the signs because she wanted to be Henry's mother so badly. Henry, in Pan's body tells her he does need her.

They realize Pan stole the Storybrooke curse, and without Snow and Charming's love woven in, even Emma couldn't break it. Pan explains to Felix that everyone will forget themselves, time will stands still, and build a new Neverland.