'Once Upon a Time' Season 2, Episode 13: 'Tiny' Recap

'Once Upon a Time'  Season 2, Episode 13: 'Tiny' Recap Mr. Gold knocks on Emma’s door, gathering her for their journey. Emma insists that Henry come with them.

In Gold’s car, they approach the border, Gold wearing the charmed cloak from his son. They pass through---he remembers his name, and his task… to find his son.

Charming and Snow go to help look for Cora and Regina… but as they open the door, Regina is just about to knock. She tells them that she was framed, and Snow tells her that they know Cora did it. She apologizes. Regina feigns ignorance of Cora’s return, and asks to protect Henry.

They tell her that Emma and Henry are gone, and Regina is coldly furious. Especially when Snow reminds her that Emma doesn’t really have to walk anything by her when it comes to Henry.

On the dock, Snow and Charming, as well as Leroy, walk with Hook, who is limping. They force him to show them where the ship is, and he takes them on board the invisible vessel.

Leroy asks if he would be able to sail the ship back to their land. Hook says they would have to go through a portal.

They ask what Cora had in mind. He shows them her weapon of choice—Emma’s giant, but normal sized, unconscious in a crate.

Flashback to the giants at their table. Our giant, Tiny, is teased by his brethren as they break into their feast to celebrate the bean harvest. He stands, and a harp falls out of his robe. They tell him his fascination with humans is trouble, but he defends them. One of the other giants breaks his harp, and he storms off.

Tiny climbs down the beanstalk.

Back on the ship, Hook tells them that Cora used magic to make him small. He doesn’t know what she’s planning with him, however. Snow wakes Tiny, whose name is Anton. He recognizes Charming and punches him, and begins to fight everyone. Snow draws her arrow and tells him to step away from her husband. He tells Charming he will pay for his evil, and dashes off.

In the hospital lounge, Belle watches television. Ruby comes to visit her, and re-introduces herself. She brought her a book to read. Belle asks her about the man that healed her, and the magic. Ruby tries to blame it on tranquilizers, but Belle gets upset and has to be sedated.

The man who hit Hook with his car has overheard what happened. Ruby reminds him to rest up so he can get out.

At Granny’s, Charming realizes why the giant is so angry at him.

Flashback to the original James, Charming’s twin. He’s having a good time with a pretty woman, but King George kicks her out. He tells James there is a giant that needs his attention.

Back to Tiny, who is peering through windows at the people in this strange new small world. Prince James comes up, to welcome him. He offers to show him around. Charming’s woman offers him a mushroom she received for killing a Jabberwocky that will make him small. She tells him her name is Jaqueline… but most call her Jack.

Mr. Gold gets their airplane tickets. Henry asks him about being out in the outside world. He does seem out of place. Airport security insist he remove his cloak, and though he fights them, they insist. Emma tells him she will help him remember. He takes it off, and seems disoriented. They go through, and Emma puts his cloak back over his shoulders. He seems to come back to himself.

Regina runs into Hook. She’s not thrilled Hook didn’t kill Regina like she had asked him to, but she tells him she and Cora made amends. He tells her what happened with the giant.

Tiny walks through the street, getting honked at by cars.

Flashback to shrunken Tiny. James and Jack set him up at the table in a tavern and give him ale. He sees someone playing the harp, and is amazed at what is actually does. James goes to yell at someone. Jack tells Tiny that the coffers of the king are empty. They will be attacked by a neighboring kingdom if they don’t pay a debt. Tiny offers to help.

In Storybrooke, Regina tracks down Tiny. She offers to help him kill the prince. She gives him a mushroom to make him large again. He bites it and begins to grow.

At the airport, they wait. Gold paces. He goes to the bathroom. He punches the stall, making his knuckles bleed. He waves his hand over his knuckles to heal them, and nothing happens. Henry comes in to tell him they’re boarding.

Back at his home, Tiny takes gold. His brother comes in and Tiny tells him his plan to go live with the humans. Birds fly by outside—someone is trespassing.

In Storybrooke, Large Tiny is wreaking havoc on the town. Charming and Snow run after him. Charming tries to tell him what happened, and that James is dead. Snow tells him they are Emma’s parents. He says he’ll stop if he can talk to Emma, but Snow tells him she’s out of town, and he quits believing them.

Jack and James have indeed trespassed onto giant land. James demands the beans.

As Charming, Leroy, and Snow run, Leroy tries to figure out how many names Charming/James/David actually has. Fun fact, his real name is David… no word on how he carried over his real name during the curse to become David Nolan.

Charming yells to Tiny that he will give himself up to Tiny if he spares Storybrooke. Tiny agrees, and he leaps to crush Charming, but Snow shoves him aside. Tiny makes a huge dent in the ground, and the magic wears off suddenly.

They look down and see him, small, clinging to a pipe over a big drop.

Flashback to the new war between giants and humans. The human swords are poisoned and giants are falling. His brother tells Tiny it is his birthright to protect the beans—and that means destroy them before they fall into the hands of the humans.

A group has gathered around the hole with a big rope. Snow kisses Charming, and he descends. He offers Tiny his hand, but Tiny refuses. Charming talks him into it, and the two get pulled up to safety.

Flashback to the giant war. Jack has stabbed Tiny’s brother, but before he dies, he manages to stab Jack as well. James loads up his bag with treasure and leaves her to die. Tiny stands over his brother as he dies. He gives him a preserved cutting from a stalk, to plant for new beans. Some day he will find new land, he tells him.

Everyone takes Tiny to Granny’s and makes him at home. He asks if they ever want to go back, and Snow says of course… but they can’t get home. He shows them the stalk and tells them if they plant it, they might have a way.

They show Tiny a good place to plant the beanstalk. He tells them the only problem may be that Cora wants him to do exactly this…

In the hospital, Greg, the man from the car accident, sneaks into Belle’s room. He tells her he overheard her talking about the man with a ball of fire. He tells her he saw it too.

Snow and James get coffee that evening. He speculates on how he would be if he were raised by King George. Snow tells him she had fun—she misses almost getting killed. He tells her when the beans grow, they can go home, but she isn’t sure. She tells him home is where there family is. She will stay where Emma is.

On the plane, Emma and Henry are relaxed, but Gold is nervous and twitchy with his bandaged hand. Emma reassures him that it will be all right and they will find his son. The plane takes off.