'Once Upon a Time': Season 2, Episode 22: 'And Straight on Til Morning' Recap

'Once Upon a Time': Season 2, Episode 22: 'And Straight on Til Morning' Recap Flashback: Hook and Smee on their ship. Smee encourages his captain in the hunt for revenge, but the two debate over what to do with the boy they pulled out of the sea. Smee says he is resting, and Hook goes to talk to him. It is Baelfire.

Henry swings on a rope. Mr. Gold observes from a distance, and positions his cane. Henry’s rope begins to fray, as he swings near a large pointed rock. Charming, Emma, and Snow interrupt. They give him the news—Neal is gone. Gold believes it is all his fault. They ask for help stopping the trigger, the failsafe, but Gold thinks this punishment is fitting.

Greg, Hook, and Tamara are in the mine. Hook asks who they are commanded by, but they don’t know. They explain the failsafe, and how it will kill him but also his enemy. Will he die for his cause? Greg brings out the diamond  failsafe, which must be struck with one of the dwarves’ pickaxes. It activates the magic and the diamond levitates and glows. Vines grow out of the clock tower. The town begins to rumble.

At home, everyone realizes the diamond has been activated. Emma insists that Regina figure it out but she says there’s nothing to be done. She tells Henry how much she loves him; he’s afraid to be left alone. He, as the only not born in the Enchanted Forest, will be the lone survivor.

Hook comes in to assist. He has decided he wants his life more than his revenge. Regina says she can slow the diamond while they figure things out. If they can get the beans back, everyone can escape to the Forest, they decide.

Charming and Hook race to Tamara and Greg, and fight. Hook manages to get one bean and convinces Charming to leave the rest.

Flashback—the Lost Ones appear on Hook’s ship, asking for the boy. Hook believes he is the key to his revenge, and hides him. The young boys in cloaks search the ship, and tell Hook that if he is lying, He will rip his shadow from his body. They don’t find Bael.

The dwarves go to Gold’s shop for Sneezy’s cup. They have a potion now from the Blue Fairy… if he drinks it from his cup, he will get his memories back. They want him to die as himself. Grumpy gives Gold some of the potion and tells him not to let Belle die as Lacey.

On the ship, Hook teaches Baelfire about sailing, becoming more fond of him. He asks about his family, and says he too was abandoned by his father, a fugitive who disappeared to avoid capture. Bael tells him about the Dark One and the dagger that will kill him which he chose over his own son.

Regina and Emma go to the mines and find the diamond, which is sucking the magic out of the air. Regina admits that slowing the diamond will take all her strength, and kill her. She wants Emma to tell Henry that in the end it wasn’t too late for her to do the right thing.

At Gold’s, he and Belle drink to the end of the world. He puts the potion into her chipped cup, which he magically fixes, and she gets her memories back.

At Granny’s, the group meets. Henry asks where his mother is, but Emma has to tell him what is happening. Snow realizes that maybe, like the wraith, if they can send the diamond to another world they can survive. Emma knows the plan could fail, but the town steps behind Snow—it is the right thing to do. Hook asks Emma why she would go along with this and she tells him that Henry has already lost his father, Neal, surprising Hook.

On the ship, Smee is reminding Hook that Baelfire is the tool for his revenge, but Hook is wavering. Bael comes out with a sword—he has found a picture of his mother. Hook has to tell him the truth. He says that he and Bael’s mother were planning to go back for him one day. He says he will protect him, but Baelfire demands to be let off the ship.  Hook appeals to him and tells him he can change, they can be a family, but Bael says he only lives for himself. Hook thanks him for that reminder, and gives Bael up to the Lost Ones.

Emma and the group run back to the mines to tell Regina the new plan. However, when they grab for the bean, it is gone. Hook has stolen it, and is sailing away. Storybrooke is falling apart, and Regina can’t hold it much longer. Everyone hugs and says their goodbyes, but Emma has an idea. She helps Regina contain the diamond with her own powers. They manage to shut it off.

In their celebration, they realize Henry is missing. Greg and Tamara have stolen him, and they throw a portal into the water and jump before they can be caught. Gold says there is no way into the other worlds without a portal… but Hook has returned, and gives them back the bean. Gold gives Belle a cloaking spell to enact in their absence, and everyone boards the ship. Hook sails the ship toward Neverland.

On a beach, a group find Neal and seek help.