'Once Upon a Time': Season 2, Episode 19: 'Lacey' Recap

'Once Upon a Time': Season 2, Episode 19: 'Lacey' Recap Henry blows out his birthday candles.

Mr. Gold tells him to pick one object from the shop as his gift. Henry chooses a wand. Neal warns him that wands are powerful. Gold waves it, showing him how to work it. He turns Henry into a statue, and as everyone screams, he tells them that Henry would be his undoing… so he must be his. He breaks Henry.

Gold awakes, startled by his dream.

Neal and Henry play with fake swords as Gold watches. Regina comes up beside him and points out they have been pushed to the sidelines. She asks what their sons are doing together, delighting him. He tells her that Neal is Henry’s father.

“Guess that makes us family, doesn’t it?”

Regina accuses him of having done this on purpose, since he is the one who “procured” Henry for her. He blames it on fate. She warns them that they won’t accept him.

“You always choose darkness… if your own son couldn’t bring out the good in you, who will?”

Gold goes to see Belle, who is surprised he is alive. He apologizes for his last phone call, and tells her his feelings for her are real. He just wanted her to know that. She is pleased he lived and says she knows he was saying the truth, and was probably a part of her past. She says she remembers him healing her.

He tells her when she remembers who she is it will become clear. She asks for help remembering, and he says he needs to bring her back to remember who he is too. They agree to help each other and he goes to talk to someone about getting her out of the hospital.

Flashback to Belle, sobbing on the floor. Rumple comes in and says he hadn’t expected quite so much crying when they made their bargain. He says it makes it hard for him to spin. He conjures a pillow to muffle her cries.

They hear a noise out of the tower room, and he runs out. A cloaked man is trying to steal a wand. Gold tells him it will do nasty things. The man pulls an arrow and aims. Gold pulls out the arrow and tells him all magic comes at a price.

Regina goes to see Belle as she packs up her items at the hospital. Regina magics something from under the bed, asking if Belle dropped it. She tells her to keep looking. Belle stares into it, recognizing as Regina works magic. She believes she remembers who she is, suddenly.

Tamara looks at a map as Greg tells her to go. He says he is sure his father is there but he has had no luck finding him. He asks if she got the package, and if it is stable. She says it is right outside town and she will bring it in tonight.

Emma asks why the secrecy as Charming and Snow stop their truck in the middle of nowhere. They tke her hand and lead her through an invisible cover, showing her their bean harvest. Tiny hugs her. Her parents tell her they want to go home and restore their land, and start over.

Emma says this world is her home. They tell her that if she goes back, she may get her happy ending.

Gold goes to Belle’s room, but she is gone. He finds the bespelled pack of matches, with a rabbit on them.

He goes to the bar with the rabbit icon, The Rabbit Hole. He asks for Belle, and the bartender says it sounds like Lacey. “Lacey” is playing pool, looking comfortable and confident.

Gold goes to talk to her. She remembers him as the guy at the hospital, but she remembers herself as Lacey.

Belle sweeps as she hears screaming in the castle. Gold comes out, covered in blood. He needs another apron, but they’re all dirty. He tells him anyone who steals from him gets skinned alive.

Belle sneaks in to find the man hanging. She gives him a drink. She frees him and undoes his shackles. The man says Gold will kill her unless she runs way with him, but she says she made a bargain and must stay.

Gold goes to see Regina, asking for Belle. She tells him she gave her back her cursed memories. Belle crossed the line—she is gone. He threatens her but she tells him he has to be on his best behavior because of Neal. He says he will break the curse with true love’s kiss, and she laughs off the idea that he can win her back.

Granny brings Grumpy and Charming some food. Gold comes in to chat with Charming. He tells her what happened with Belle. He asks for help—even as David Nolan, he won back Mary Margaret. He says for the first time ever, he will owe him a favor.

Charming says there is a sliver of themselves inside. He tells Gold to show her the man she fell in love with.

Gold sharpens his knife as Belle reads. He finds the man gone. Belle confesses she let him go. Belle says they don’t know why he took the wand. You can’t tell what’s in a person’s heart until you truly know them.

Gold summon’s the man’s bow, he says he will shoot him, and Belle gets to watch.

Lacey drinks at the bar. A man comes up and hits on her, but she brushes him off. Gold and Charming come in. Gold goes and talks to her as Charming sits on her other side. She talks music, and Gold realizes they have nothing in common. Charming encourages him to ask her out.

He goes and asks. She reminds him she isn’t Belle. She’s heard about him, too. They’re afraid of him. He asks for a chance, and she agrees to meet him at Granny’s.

Emma pages through the book on the dock as Regina comes up. She asks about Neal, and Emma tells her to just try to be the person Henry wants to be before she loses him. Regina notices she is hiding something. She declares she will find out what.

Gold and Belle meet for dinner. Lacey orders a bottle of wine as Gold tries to order her a burger. She says she is not a burger girl. She tells him she hears he is powerful and ruthless. She doesn’t get why people are scared—she sees a man who wouldn’t hurt anyone. She says you can’t tell what’s in a person’s heart until you truly know them, and Gold spills all over. She goes to clean her dress and he smiles, recognizing her old self.

Belle and Gold go through the forest in a carriage. He refuses to let a thief escape—what would people think? She says she doesn’t think he’s as dark as people believe, or he would have killed her. He insists he is darker than people say.

They see a man on a horse—the man from the bar. He is the sheriff. Gold shows him the bow and tells him who he is after. The drunken sheriff tells him he’ll tell him where to find the thief, for something in return… a night for Belle. Gold talks out his tongue. The new deal is, he gets the tongue back for information. He says the thief ruined him, and is hiding out in Sherwood Forest—and goes by Robin Hood.

Gold waits for Belle to return from the bathroom, but their food arrives and no Belle. He checks the bathroom—empty. He goes out the back.

Belle, in the forest, tells Gold she will not sit by while he kills a man. Gold finds Robin Hood. They see him across the way as he runs to a woman on a cart. She is sick, dying. Robin waves the wand over her, and she is healed. Belle argues for him, but Gold embeds her in the ground. She says she was right about the thief, and right about him too. The woman is pregnant. Gold draws the bow… and misses. Robin Hood and Marian mount a horse and race off.

Gold releases Belle and tells him he’s bored. She says he spared his life… the bow has magic in it, it never misses. He turns to her, noticing her close, and seems surprised. She hugs him.

Gold finds Belle—making out with the Sheriff. He chases him off. He asks if she is okay, but realizes she wanted to be with him. He thought the date was going well. She says she was trying to be nice, but she’s not that person. He says that she liked the nice part of him, but she reminds him she isn’t Belle. He says no, she isn’t.

Charming and Snow drop off the team for a drink, as they head home. Regina observes. When they leave, she touches the road, and their tire tracks become visible.

She follows them to where they disappear off the road, where the beans are cloaked. She goes through and finds the crop.

As Gold walks off, the Sheriff comes up and apologizes. He didn’t know they were still together. He tries to shake his hand.

“I’ve tried so hard to be on my best behavior… but I guess there’s no point now.”

He plucks his tongue and attacks him.

Belle tells Gold he won’t need his bow anymore… but he says you never know. She says goodnight but he stops her. He brings her to his library. He tells her she can clean it, but she sees through his bravado.

Gold beats the tar out of the Sheriff. Lacey comes up, seeing. He admits it is true, what they say about him. She says she’s glad. She smiles as he beats him more.

Neal brings a sleeping Henry home to Emma. She asks if he thinks about going back.

Greg waits on the border as Tamara pulls in, pulling a trailer. She opens it, saying if there’s one person you can count on to do dirty work, it’s a pirate. Hook is tied up in the back.