Olympian Ryan Lochte Tells British Royal, 'Watch Every Move You Make'

Olympian Ryan Lochte Tells British Royal, 'Watch Every Move You Make' Here's a fair question: how has 2012 Summer Olympics superstar Ryan Lochte learned so well in weeks what Great Britain's Prince Harry hasn't quite grasped in over 20 years?

After recent partying with the mischievous British royal in Las Vegas recently - prior to cameras capturing Prince Harry losing badly at strip poker this past weekend - and many a camera in his own grill following multiple swimming gold medals in London, the U.S. Olympic hero cautioned Prince Harry to "watch every move you make," Access Hollywood reports.

"Ever since the Olympics, I've been more aware of my surroundings . . . You just got to watch out," Lochte said to Kit Hoover and Billy Bush Thursday on "Access Hollywood Live." Lochte added that another Olympic icon was the first to tip him off that his life was due to change. "After London, [Michael Phelps] did come to me and was like, 'You know what? You gotta start watching out for everything.' He definitely did help me out."

Lochte expressed surprise that snaps of Harry's naughty bits and pressed ham would be of such interest to anyone. He did add that upon meeting Prince Harry, the son of the late Princess Diana of Wales was quick to make fast friends with Lochte, even if it meant losing at Lochte's own game.

"His people came over to me and said, 'Hey, you want to meet Prince Harry?' and I said, 'Oh, by all means.' So I went over there, I was still fully dressed. And he said, 'Hey, you wanna go in the pool and race me?' And I'm like, 'You wanna lose?'" he told Hoover and Bush. "And so we jumped in, I took off my shirt, he jumped in and we raced. I think I had my shoes on still. Afterwards we were just hanging out in the pool, just talking."

And it was an absolute sausage fest....right, Ryan?

"[Women] were all over the place... They definitely loved every minute of it," Lochte recalled. "I don't think it was really hard for him to get any kind of girls there."