Octomom, Tykes Threaten Hostile 'Today' Takeover; Ann Curry Escapes Unharmed

Octomom, Tykes Threaten Hostile 'Today' Takeover; Ann Curry Escapes Unharmed I have yet to see a more convincing argument than this supporting voluntary sterility.

Guess who stopped by NBC's Studio 1A Friday for "The Today Show"? Nadya Suleman and her octuplets! That lucky Ann Curry. You just know that somewhere, she can hear Meredith Vieria laughing her ass off at the hell she had to endure, as Suleman and her brood gave the co-host a taste of life among the animals.

As Suleman happily recounts how her main sources of income consist of being a personal trainer and participating in celebrity boxing exhibitions - which she says is "peanuts" compared to the cost of raising her kids, necessitating accepting every personal appearance and interview that comes her way - the precocious little tykes probably come about THIS close to completely commandeering the studio with strength in numbers and a combined low center of gravity.

Suffice to say, it isn't long before the crumb-snatcher realizes the grown-ups can't be everywhere at once . . .