Obama Adviser Nixes Planned 'Real Time With Bill Maher' Appearance

Obama Adviser Nixes Planned 'Real Time With Bill Maher' Appearance Presidential campaign strategist David Axelrod - currently assisting with President Barack Obama's re-election effort - has canceled without explanation an advertised appearance on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," reports Deadline today.

Another Obama campaign spokesperson said simply that Axelrod "is not scheduled to go on at this time," according to Politico. Though the left-leaning Maher has offered his sometime adversary some supportive words, the comedian and pundit has become conservative commentators' double-standard symbol following vulgar remarks by right-leaning radio host Rush Limbaugh.

Limbaugh raised a ruckus earlier this month when he took to the air calling Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke a "slut" and "prostitute" during his live syndicated show. He addressed Fluke as such because Fluke had previously testified before an all-Democrat mock congressional panel and supported protecting legislation requiring that insurance companies offer coverage of contraceptives.

Conservatives outraged at both the backlash against Limbaugh and the exodus of sponsors in the wake of his remarks have recently singled out Maher's own past of polarizing statements and a perceived lack of consequences he's faced. Though ABC years ago declined to continue Maher's former late-night roundtable discussion show "Politically Incorrect" following Maher's remarks associating the U.S. military with cowardice shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Fox News' Greta Van Sustern recently joined the fray targeting Maher.

The HBO host recently made headlines when he handed Obama-backing PAC Priorities USA a $1-million contribution. Van Sustern recently attacked Axelrod's planned appearance because Maher has previously publicly attacked former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

"Is that the Obama price tag for decency? Give a million and you can be as nasty to women as you want?" Van Sustern wondered. Along similar lines, the Alabama Democratic Committee backed off supporting an upcoming Maher stand-up appearance in Huntsville.

Regarding Limbaugh's remarks themselves, Maher recently said "I don't like it that people are made to disappear when they say something, or people try to make them disappear when they say something you don't like. That's America. Sometimes you're made to feel uncomfortable, okay?"