New York Health Department Now In On Beyonce-Baby Investigation

New York Health Department Now In On Beyonce-Baby Investigation I hate making a "99 Problems" joke, but the New York Health Department has a few questions for Jay-Z and Beyonce about Blue Ivy Carter's birth that might nudge that into triple digits.

More importantly, if half the accusations from Lenox Hill Hospital patients prove true, they couldn't be inflicted upon a more deserving pair of self-righteous, entitled celebrities.

Word leaked courtesy of the New York Daily News barely a day after Blue Ivy's Jan. 7 birth to first-time parents Jay-Z (real name: Shawn Carter) and Beyonce Knowles that the laughably named celebri-tyke's delivery raised Hell for parents with children in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit. That's because the proud parents are rumored to have laid out around $1.3 million to block off and redecorate an entire wing of the Bedford-Stuyvesant facility in anticipation of the birth.

Making matters embarrassingly worse, 38-year-old Brooklyn contractor Neil Coulon claims that Beyonce's personal security evicted him and his wife's family from the waiting room near the NICU, where the family waited to visit the premature twins Coulon's wife had birthed by C-section Dec. 28.

Feel the tremors? Oh, yes. That's because clear from the epicenter in Brooklyn, this is happening . . .

More recently, with complaints now piling up from other patients that the Grammy-nominated duo received preferential treatment during their stay, the NYHD is taking a closer look, according to Entertainment Weekly. Coulon's wife, Rozz Nash-Coulon, described exactly what went down last Saturday night to the New York Times. As Coulon and Nash-Coulon moved toward the door, they were blocked by a private security guard and partitions outside the NICU.

The Times claims the maternity ward windows had been covered, security cameras taped over and earpiece-wearing guards stationed around the floor. "We were told we could walk no further," Nash-Coulon said Monday. The explanation a guard gave? "'Well, they're handling hazardous materials.'"

Well, two douches that big should probably carry a sanitation warning. So, can't fault him there.

Another father whose wife had just given birth, 25-year-old Edgar Ramirez, was reportedly kept out of the unit for three hours as his wife and child awaited him. Though Lenox Hill spokeswoman Anne Silverman claimed following the Coulon story that it was the first such complaint she'd heard and denied that Carter and Knowles had paid for any of the existing executive suites, Health Department officials will probably be concerned by a comment from an unnamed Lenox Hill doctor quoted in the Times as having delivered several babies at the facility, noting that he learned previously that a sixth-floor area typically designated for medical observation had been cordoned off for remodeling as a private suite, with the hospital paying nothing toward the project.