The New Year's Resolutions of TV Shows

The New Year's Resolutions of TV Shows It's a new year, which means that many of us will be making our new year's resolutions. Some of us might be pledging to exercise more, eat better, read more, quit a vice, or stop following Kim Kardashian on Twitter (seriously, let's all ignore her. She'll hate it).

But what if your favorite TV shows made a new year's resolution? There are plenty of shows premiering this midseason or returning for new episodes that could afford to make a few improvements or, in the case of the best shows out there, pledge to stay the same.

Here are a few ideas for what TV's big shows could pledge as their new year's resolutions for 2012:


- I resolve to never again have my characters sing in the choir room for no reason. Also, no more Toby Keith songs.

"Terra Nova"

- I resolve (if I get renewed) to decide which show I want to be and commit to it.

"The Walking Dead"

- I resolve to get off the farm. It's about time.

"American Idol"

- I resolve to put less filler in the live shows, but you can bet I'll still be talking about Coke.


- I resolve to get back on the air come hell or high water.

"New Girl"

- I resolve to not let the long season change me. Also, more Schmidt.

"How I Met Your Mother"

- I resolve to never pull another "you don't exist" moment.

"Family Guy"

- I resolve to never, ever make an episode about domestic abuse ever again. Ever.

"Breaking Bad"

- I resolve to keep being awesome.