New 'Terra Nova' Posters Tell You Not to Feed the Dinosaurs

New 'Terra Nova' Posters Tell You Not to Feed the Dinosaurs To think that, if everything had gone according to schedule, we could all have been enjoying brand-new episodes of Fox's "Terra Nova" for the past few months is a frustrating thought. Alas, it turns out that CGI dinosaurs aren't as easy to make as you would think.

But in anticipation of the new Steven Spielberg-produced show's release in the fall, Fox has released three promotional posters that are both tongue-in-cheek and just a little bit terrifying.

The story of the show is this: it's set in the future (the year 2149 to be exact), and the human race has pretty much paved over the entire planet. The other possibility of survival is to use a portal that sends people back in time to prehistoric Earth, complete with real live dinosaurs.

The poster campaign consists of three different promos, each made up to look like a warning poster if one were actually a survivor on the surface of the prehistoric Earth in which the series is set. They warn of fast-running raptors, giant insects (*shudder*) and tell you not to feed the T-Rexes.

It's a creative approach to the ad campaign, and nice to see considering they could have easily just given us more CG-created prehistoric landscapes with dangerous-looking dinosaurs, and we all would have watched anyway. After all, with that other Spielberg show "Falling Skies" doing so well with critics and in the ratings, there's a lot to look forward to with "Terra Nova."

Or a lot to live up to, at least.

Check out the posters below. Pretty good, eh?