New Stills From 'Breaking Dawn Part 2': Robert & Kristen's Happier Times

New Stills From 'Breaking Dawn Part 2': Robert & Kristen's Happier Times Well, isn't this just....awkward.

C'mon, folks. Even everybody that pleads for Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's privacy to be respected as their relationship implodes and insists the actors be separated from their characters, seeing Edward and Bella Cullen together this way in Entertainment Weekly's "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2" stills is just a tad weird.

Still, together, they were. And together they'll be again, since Lionsgate and Summit Entertainment have insisted the fractured pair make the publicity rounds more or less hand-in-hand stumping for the fifth and final "Twilight" installment's Nov. 16 release.

Of course, this is the one in which Edward and Bella's daughter Renesmee's life hangs in the balance - the Vulturi vampire ruling body believing she was born human and turned, necessitating the death of child and parents under their law, while Edward, Bella and Jacob (Taylor Lautner) strive to save her life by proving she yet grows and ages.

Oh, and there's also the matter of the "imprinting" scene, cementing Jacob and Renesmee becoming smitten with one another.

"I respect how passionate and persistent Jacob is about what he loves and what he wants," Lautner said of the imprinting. "He's not going to let anything stop hiim from that. That's the thing that's stuck with me."

To see the series end is a bittersweet moment for "Twilight" author Stephanie Meyer.

"I've been holding off the sadness, but it's starting to get to me," Meyer said. "I miss everyone - Kristen, Taylor, and Rob. I'm used to seeing them every day."

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