Watch the New Trailer For Kevin Smith's 'Red State'

Fresh off a sold-out nationwide tour screening his dark and violent drama “RedState,” writer-producer-director Kevin Smith has a new restricted trailer for the film, just in time for an upcoming Los Angeles theatrical run.

Preacher Abin Cooper dominates a small fundamentalist-Christian town in the film, through which three high school-age boys pass on their way to an internet-arranged meeting with a woman and cross paths with Cooper. What follows sets all Hell loose in a commentary by Smith on the cult-like atmosphere of some fundamentalist sects.

When Smith screened the film in Kansas City, Missouri this past year, he invited several members of Kansas’ Westboro Baptist Church’s controversial Phelps family – which is led by the inflammatory Pastor Fred Phelps – to take part in a post-screening Q-and-A and address the Phelps family’s notoriously hateful stance toward homosexuality.

For what it’s worth – just in case – the Los Angeles debut of “Red State” will have it in theaters just in time to be Academy Awards-eligible.

Watch the trailer for Kevin Smith's "Red State":