Watch the New 3D 'Green Lantern' Trailer

With each passing week, it's become more and more clear that "Green Lantern" is just one of those movies they couldn't have hoped to begin selling until now. As much as people rail on how overused CGI is in the modern blockbuster, each new piece of footage of "Green Lantern" seems to come with the promise that "you ain't seen nothin' yet."

This trailer, more than any of the others...well, first, it's clearly meant for 3D exhibition, with its abundance of stuff flyin' atcha. But it also emphasizes the cosmic aspects of the film - half of the trailer goes by before we even see Ryan Reynolds, the supposed star of the thing. And if it didn't look so damn cool, I'd be a little bit more frustrated by that.

Reynolds is overdue for this kind of a picture. I'm constantly amazed by just how many people dislike him so strongly, but I find almost everything he does hilarious. And I know, it's a movie about a guy with a magic ring, so it has to be a little be serious, but Reynolds can handle that, too.

What he does better than anyone, though, is bring levity, which is different than just being "wacky." Levity is the acknowledgment that a situation is serious, and choosing to look on the brighter side of life, choosing to believe that you'll find a way out. And if that isn't Hal Jordon, particularly in his early days as a Green Lantern, I don't know what is.

I really can't wait for "Green Lantern," and this trailer says it all.