'New Girl' Season 5, Episode 2: 'What About Fred' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 5, Episode 2: 'What About Fred' Recap The group is now part owners of the bar! Schmidt encourages Nick to set a meeting and to establish himself as a leader among the employees, as he is now manager.

Jess is ready to get into a new relationship. She accepts being set up with Sadie's friend Fred, despite immediately looking for reasons to call it off. She's pleasantly surprised... until she realizes Fred lives with his parents, Flip and Nancy. Flip and Nancy turn out to be adorably in love and very charming.

Jess comes home and announces she is in love... with Flip and Nancy.

Though he resents it, Nick takes direction from Schmidt about getting the bar under control after being reminded that all his friends will lose their jobs if it goes under. He gets major kickback from his employees. After he impulsively fires Javier, everyone walks out.

Jess, coached by Winston, tries to spend more time with Fred, but ends up with Flip and Nancy again. Winston forces her to spend time with Fred (becoming charmed by Flip and Nancy himself), and Jess realizes Fred is dull and she hates him. They decide to take Flip and Nancy for themselves and ditch Fred somehow.

They agree to meet Flip and Nancy for dinner, but Winston stalls on his way with Fred, and Jess spills the beans that she and Winston want to hang out with the two... sans Fred. Flip and Nancy understand - they know their son isn't exactly a thrill to date - but they offer her a deal. She dates Fred and they can all continue their relationship. She tries her best but Fred is too much for her, and she ends it.

The bar is a disaster. Nick and Schmidt go to Javier to offer him his job back, if he apologizes. He comes back and things are more comfortable at the bar again, as the employees all return. Schmidt suggests that one day Nick buy him out and own the bar himself.