'New Girl' Season 4, Episode 9: 'Girl Fight' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 4, Episode 9: 'Girl Fight' Recap At the loft, Coach and Schmidt solve a fight with a quick punch. CeCe and Jess say they never fight like that, and use a story about a purse they both wanted but decided not to get instead.

Schmidt knows that purse - it's in Jess' closet. CeCe and Jess have a passively sweet goodbye. Coach notes that it's a girl fight.

Jess tells them that she and CeCe have been friends for 20 years because neither will confront the other. It works for them. If she brings up the purse, it will bring up ALL the tamped down fights they never had. This fight will go as always - they will ignore each other for three days, Jess will surprise her with a latte, and then they will pretend nothing happened. Jess warns Schmidt to stay out of it, and to stay away from CeCe.

Nick goes on a date with Tran's granddaughter, and it's awkward. She acknowledges how weird it is, and they agree to just go to the loft, eat pizza, and watch television. They're pretty perfect together. Coach and Winston think it's adorable... except that it goes on for three days, and the two never leave the couch.

After three days Jess gets CeCe her latte, but CeCe says she can buy her own, and demonstrates - she has yellow purse.

Jess goes to yell at Schmidt, who admits he saw CeCe, and got played, and brought her the purse. She and CeCe get into an emoji fight, and Jess admits it may be time to bring up some issues.

Winston confronts Nick about Kai. He has worked up a profile on her and thinks she is homeless. Nick thinks he is just trying to avoid studying. However when he goes in his room he finds Kai sleeping under newspapers. He tells her he wants to go to her place, and he accepts it however it may be.

Schmidt follows Jess to Nadia's baby shower, where Jess confronts CeCe. They cry and yell about 20 years of arguments they have repressed. Coach shows up to "save" the day, and tells them to punch each other. CeCe tackles Jess, and it sets off all the other women at the shower. Everyone starts fighting.

At the hospital, battered and bruised, CeCe and Jess are feeling pretty good. They are glad they buried all their issues.

Nick calls Winston from Kai's place... turns out she's rich, and sets her own hours. She pays him to skip work and hang out with her.