'New Girl' Season 4, Episode 8: 'Thanksgiving IV' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 4, Episode 8: 'Thanksgiving IV' Recap Schmidt reminds everyone it's their final hurrah before winter - therefore he suggests celebrating "Bangsgiving" rather than the usual holiday. He makes everyone draw names from a hat - the person they get, they must bring a date for.

Winston brings Coach a girl from academy with jacked arms. Jess brings Winston a pretty woman from her school - who is not a teacher but a lunch lady. CeCe brings Schmidt pretty Lucy, as per request. Nick picked his own name so he brings Tran to keep him company. Schmidt got CeCe and brings no one but promises her a date named Geoff, at some point in the evening.

And Coach, who picked Jess, brings Ryan. She pulls him aside and reminds him that, although they are both attracted to one another, they cannot be together.

Nick has a problem with Schmidt and Lucy, since he dated Lucy. Everyone goes to the roof to argue about the problems. Everyone also votes Jess just sleep with Ryan and get it out of her system. To try to get back at Schmidt, Nick attempts to seduce CeCe, which goes about how you'd expect.

Jess meets Ryan in her room wearing just an apron. He is confused about her change of attitude and she suggests they bang one out. It wasn't what he had in mind. He is upset and leaves.

CeCe talks with Nick, who admits that he's having a hard time with women since Jess, and sleeping with crummy dates to avoid getting hurt. Winston speaks with his date, and admits a lunch lady once forced him to eat a whole tray of tots for cutting in line. Nick goes and talks to Jess about Ryan. He tells her that she's afraid of Ryan and putting herself out there, not breaking rules.

Jess goes to Ryan to tell him she wants more too, and they can take it slow. They bang.

Nick talks his problems out to Tran, who is drunk. His hot granddaughter shows up to bring him home.

Coach arm wrestles his date, who lets him win. They kiss.

Geoff, who is gorgeous, finally shows up, but CeCe has realized she should be with Schmidt, and pushes him back into the hall.