'New Girl' Season 4, Episode 7: 'Goldmine' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 4, Episode 7: 'Goldmine' Recap Jess is having her third date with Ian, and she wants to bring him home. Dating hasn't been going well lately, and she's ready to get some.

The guys ask if he knows that she is living with her ex, but she thinks it's irrelevant. They strongly disagree. Nick suggests she tell him but then lie to make it seem less weird.

Winston sorts through his hot neighbors' mail, telling Coach seducing the women is a long game. Coach is disgusted with him though. He thinks Winston needs to make a move now.

CeCe is considering a breast reduction. Schmidt overhears and has a hissy fit.

Jess tells Ian about living with Nick, but his reaction is not good. She blurts out that Nick is gay now. When they go back, she tells Nick to act gay.

Coach pushes Winston into the girls by saying that he's leaving for a long time. The next day he finds Winston over there, helping them put up shelves. Coach yells at the girls for dangling sex over him. Winston goes to leave, but they decide Coach is right, and one of the girls agrees to have sex with Winston.

Ian has stayed over, but NIck made a mistake and slept with a girl, who now won't leave. The usual things aren't scaring her off. Jess even tries to play the crazy ex card, but it falls short.

Talking, Ian decides Nick does not seem gay. Luckily Schmidt comes in, still heartbroken over CeCe's possible surgery. The way Schmidt talks makes it seem very relationship-y with Nick, and Ian is placated... until the weird girl wanders in and kisses Nick.

Schmidt goes to CeCe's consultation and says a fond farewell to her bosom. CeCe is surprisingly touched, and decides not to go ahead with the surgery.

Nick and Jess realize they're the weird ones in the dating pool scaring everyone away, as Nick's strange girl hogs the shower.