'New Girl' Season 4, Episode 6: 'Background Check' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 4, Episode 6: 'Background Check' Recap Schimidt reads Jess' texts and finds out CeCe went out on a date, and is rabidly curious. Winston comes in to tell them that it's his day for the academy background check, and he needs everyone to pull together and help him pass.

Jess gets nervous when he tells her it's a home visit. When he leaves she reveals to everyone that she has a bag of meth in her closet. She found it in a footstool she bought at a yard sale, and, not sure of what to do with it, had just hidden it in the closet.

She's not sure of how to dispose of it, so she calls CeCe and asks for help. The boys begin to argue, Nick knowing he is unable to lie and therefore trying not to see where they put it. Jess throws it to Schmidt and it breaks everywhere.

As the Sergeant arrives, Jess has manages to scoop it up into her bra. The lady sets them down to interview them, and of course CeCe bursts in to assist. Schmidt kisses her to keep her quiet.

They try to talk about how great Winston is, and Coach lies about him volunteering at Boy's and Girl's club. Jess' bra begins to shift, so she goes to the bathroom. CeCe finds her trying to shove the meth down the shower drain, and has her flush it instead. The toilet backs up. Jess thinks she's getting a contact high and begins to get loopy. Schmidt comes to help clean and it's chaos.

Winston checks in on them, drawn by the noise, and Jess confesses. Winston is hurt that she didn't just bring it to him in the first place. He thinks it's indicative that no one things of him as an actual cop.

The Sergeant, noting how sweaty Nick is, grills him, and he confesses everything he's ever done wrong in his life.

Winston decides they need to just tell the Sergeant what has happened, but Jess runs out and confesses before he can say anything, throwing herself at the woman's mercy. She makes them stand and wait for her, and goes to check out the situation. She comes back to tell them the bag was full of aquarium rocks.

As one of the best cadets, Winston has passed the background check, and will become a police officer.

Coach runs in, having picked up an immigrant worker off the street to pass as Winston's "Little Brother."