'New Girl' Season 4, Episode 4: 'Micro' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 4, Episode 4: 'Micro' Recap Jess overhears the guys discussing boobs at the bar and gets angry at them for being superficial. She claims she would never rule out a guy for something so shallow as a physical trait. Nick makes fun of her "wonky" knee, and, annoyed, she sits in a booth with a stranger to catch a breather for a second...

Luckily he's smoking hot, so she decides maybe she should linger. He invites her on a date, but tells her beforehand that she should know he has a "micropenis." It's a rare medical condition.

The guys looks it up, and bet Jess that she won't last a month with this guy. She agrees to the bet. They'll donate $500 to a women's campaign for body acceptance if she sticks with Micro for a month, and if she loses, she'll buy them a porn subscription.

The bet proves to be difficult out the gate, as Jess can't stand listening to him talk.

At the bar, Coach and Schmidt are still moved by the micropenis, and wonder how they can share their beauty with the world. Winston, annoyed by their talk, suggests they try modeling. He and CeCe convince them that they should and they'll do a photo shoot for them.

Jess asks Nick to let her out of the bet, but he refuses. Jess is forced to break up with the guy, telling him it's because of his personality, but he thinks it's because of his micropenis. He apologizes for being a douchebag, and claims he was teased all his life and it made him into a dick (pardon the pun).

Winston and CeCe photograph Coach and Schmidt for their "modeling" session. CeCe says she could show the pictures to her agent, but she doesn't want to pit the two against each other, as he would only choose one. It becomes a heated beauty competition.

They ask Jess to look over their portfolios and decide who has better pictures. Jess realizes that everyone has insecurities. She goes to the Micro and apologizes, and shows him her wonky knee. She said she was afraid to get close to him.

As she's stripping down to demonstrate her weird body oddities, Micro's girlfriend comes home... and she realizes he really is just a jerk with a tiny, tiny penis.

Coach bows out of the modeling competition, realizing that Schmidt has body issues from being a fat kid. He observes Winston and CeCe getting nervous, and realizes it was a set-up. He instructs CeCe to fix it and make Schmidt a model somehow.

CeCe and Winston pool their money and buy a small ad for Schmidt in Koreatown.