'New Girl' Season 4, Episode 21: 'Panty Gate' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 4, Episode 21: 'Panty Gate' Recap

Coach and his new girlfriend have broken up, as she has accepted a job in New York. He insists he is fine.

Things are healed between Fawn and Schmidt. Fawn is holding a press conference to address "Panty Gate," and he plans to be right by her side.

Coach reveals he is very much not fine about his breakup with May when he breaks down during a sex-ed class. While she tries to tell Nick and Winston that Coach is fragile, they ignore her and take him out.

Schmidt goes to read his prepared statement to the press and discovers that Fawn wants him to take the fall for Panty Gate. He reads the statement, which does not paint him in a flattering light, but confronts her afterwards. She begs him to continue helping her.

Jess has decided by now that she is a "love doctor," and offers May her support when she comes to pick up some stuff from the loft. CeCe, frustrated by Schmidt and Fawn, has decided to go climb a mountain a la the heroine in a book she is reading.

May admits she doesn't want to break up with Coach, and Jess encourages her to talk to him about moving to New York. They go to find him at the bar, but find him surrounded by women and kissing someone else. May storms off. Coach, who has been just trying to get by, is crushed, and Jess realizes she is only making things worse. She admits she wants to think that all the mistakes she have made have at least been to help her friends do better in love.

Fawn makes Schmidt go underpants shopping with her while photographers watch. She tells him they will make him have a freak out and then put him in rehab, and then when he comes out they can get married. He tells her that he doesn't love her, and doesn't want what she's offering. They break up, but he pretends it's over the underpants to save face for her.

Coach talks with Jess and Nick and realizes he does love May... and wants to move to New York with her. He tracks her down to tell her.

So Coach is leaving.