'New Girl' Season 4, Episode 20: 'Par 5' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 4, Episode 20: 'Par 5' Recap Fawn is determined to make Schmidt reach his full potential. Also to make him more tan, as he is showing up too pale in their photographs together.

Jess, who is having difficulty getting computers for her school, forces her company on Fawn for a networking golf event. Of course she is terrible at it (both networking and golf), so Fawn gives her a few pointers on how to butter up the other women of power (and recommends taking her underwear off for an extra power boost). It works. She gets in with the woman she needs, who can hook her up with the computers. However she finds out from Fawn that the computers are just a concept - there will never be any computers, it's all just networking. Jess gets upset and plays her crappy golf game on her own, drawing reporters' attention. She declares she is only interested in helping her school, and, inspired by her honesty, the woman offers to get her the computers. Fawn, going commando, accidentally gives the crowd a show.

Winston meets a beautiful girl he is interested in, but finds out that she is big into protesting the police. He lies about what he does, but when he is recognized by co-workers, he's forced to lie even more. He says he is a stripper. After consulting Nick, though he won't let Nick actually weigh in on anything, as Nick is white and doesn't have a say in what has been happening with race issues lately, he decides to tell KC the truth. She is only mad that he lied, and makes him strip at her work as punishment.

Schmidt has a mishap with putting on bronzer to make himself more photo-ready for Fawn. He asks CeCe to help him, which she does... only they realize too late he is putting on bronzer with glitter. He tries to cover it up with makeup, which makes him look like a corpse. CeCe tells him he needs to stop changing himself for Fawn. He gets ready to break up with her, but she is mortified over flashing the crowd, and tells him he can break up with her if he wants to not be associated with her anymore. Schmidt stays with her.