'New Girl' Season 4, Episode 2: 'Dice' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 4, Episode 2: 'Dice' Recap Schmidt has been very successful with the ladies lately. Jess asks what his secret is and he tells her he's on Dice, which is kind of like Tinder. Looking to go on some dates, she wants in, but Schmidt tells Jess she would be eaten alive on Dice.

She gets on anyway and puts that she's DTF - Darn Tootin' Fun.

Winston likes police academy, but is not clicking with the other cadets. At the bar everyone realizes that Winston will be a cop soon so they should do stuff that's illegal now before he can get them in trouble. Coach has never been stoned, so they decide to make brownies.

Schmidt gets a call for help from Jess, who is at a super creepy guy's house and needs a ride to safety. Schmidt is angry when he picks her up. Jess admits she may not be ready for Dice, and asks for help getting back out there in the dating game. She asks him to teach her Dice but he storms off. However, while she's sleeping he sneaks over her and tells her he will teach her how to Dice.

He gives her an extensive prepping session, and has set her up on 10 dates. She is thrown into the first one, which sucks, and he gets her out of it. She admits she is too nice to reject them, so he gives her a pep talk, telling her that she is the prize and she gets to choose. He gives her a list of excuses to escape bad dates, and she goes on a string of terrible ones, getting better at leaving.

Coach, Nick, and CeCe all eat brownies, though Coach isn't high yet. Winston bursts in and tells them they're going to a party, he finally took initiative. Nick agrees they should go... so they do. To a cop party. And as soon as they get there, Coach's brownie kicks in. He is incredibly chill and friendly, and hugs cops, which puts Nick into a panic. He kicks over the grill and they all run to hide in the closet.

Cops force them out, and Winston laughs, having set them up. Making fun of his friends was his in with the other cadets, and they give him a nickname finally ("Toilet."). Stoned CeCe ponders what to do with her life and Coach suggests she go back to school.

As a reward, Schmidt set up Jess' 10th date with the guy she was initially interested in. However she is quick to pull the trigger on it, wounding him, when his intentions were actually honest. Jess asks Schmidt what the point is - how will she find love like this? He tells her it's not about finding love, and she realizes she was playing the wrong game. She asks the date to come back and give her a second chance, and he does... but he's a comedy magician, and Jess is trapped on another terrible date.

Schmidt has taken her words to heart, however, and invites back one of his Dice girls for a second date.