'New Girl' Season 4, Episode 17, 'Walk of Shame' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 4, Episode 17, 'Walk of Shame' Recap CeCe and Jess, feeling sassy and sexy with their new blow-outs, run into Bearclaw and his new roommate at the bar, and are invited to a party at their place. Jess thinks it would be a good idea for CeCe to meet guys other than Schmidt. Empowered by her hair, Jess decides they must go and seize the day.

She wakes up next to Bearclaw. CeCe struggles out of another room, and the two prepare for a quick run of shame to the car... only to find the car has been towed. Their phones are dead and they have no cash. They borrow a phone from some kids, but can't reach anyone. They begin the long walk home.

Coach is struggling to sound smart to impress the girl he is seeing, May, who is pretty high-brow. She invites all the guys to come to her cello performance at an art gallery, but Coach worries Nick and Winston will embarrass him. He offers them waterpark tickets, and Nick realizes what is happening.

The ladies are already in pain from their heels, but refuse to take them off and go barefoot, as that would solidify their walk of shame status. They fail to get sneakers off of a power line, and then see water delivered to a door... they sneak into the yard to try to steal it, but a birthday party enters the yard and traps them.

Hiding in the bushes, Jess admits that she didn't sleep with Bearclaw, she did something worse... she and Bearclaw made up a musical about woodland creatures. CeCe didn't sleep with Ken either... she was going to, but kept calling him Schmidt. Out of shame she then cleaned his room.

The two settle for drinking out of the hose, when they are discovered... by Jess' ex, Paul.

At the gallery, Nick and Winston have crashed it, but are on their best behavior to make Coach look foolish. It works. Determined they are going to embarrass him, he ends up creating a scene and embarrassing himself and May. The guys all remind him that he's cool, and May likes him for who he is. He goes to talk with her, and they make up - and bonus, he can stop pretending to like the stuff she does, because she does like him just fine as he is.

Jess goes on a rant against Paul, defending her choices, but finds out he isn't a chic dad at a lovely home, hosting a kid's birthday party... he is there to be the clown. Jen left him. His life is in shambles. Jess talks him into taking back the morning, and he abandons his clown gig. They go back to the loft in triumph and perform Jess' musical.