'New Girl' Season 4, Episode 16, 'Spiderhunt' Recap

'New Girl'  Season 4, Episode 16, 'Spiderhunt' Recap CeCe is keeping her distance, to avoid Schmidt. Jess is worried about her. Winston secretly calls CeCe and tells her that Jess is getting upset and is worried she did something, so CeCe agrees to come over...

Just in time for a Spiderhunt. Schmidt is terrified of spiders and one is loose in the loft, with Fawn set to be over for dinner. Time is of the essence.

Jess, suspicious of how Winston is acting, isolates CeCe and asks her if she likes someone in the loft. CeCe refuses to tell Jess that she is in love with Schmidt. Jess changes tactics and goes after Winston, who lies and says CeCe likes him. The two share a good laugh.

Jess sees CeCe tasting the sauce that Nick is making, and concludes that if CeCe can't tell her who she likes, it must be Nick. She reels from that for a bit, and Winston tries to make it better by saying that Nick doesn't find CeCe attractive.

Switching from hurt to defensive, Jess tries to talk up her friend to Nick. He misinterprets and thinks Jess is trying to convince him to buy a popcorn machine for the bar, which CeCe has been pressing on him. Jess tries to help hook Nick and CeCe up, but CeCe realizes what is happening and finally tells her the truth. However she is not planning to do anything - Schmidt has a girlfriend and is happy.

Schmidt sees the spider and attacks it, in the process hitting Coach's laptop and sending 15 drafts of the email he has been working on sending to the girl he likes.

Luckily, the girl finds it endearing, and still agrees to go out with him.

Fawn arrives and kills the spider, which has crawled onto Schmidt's face. Schmidt toasts her at dinner, and under the table, Jess takes CeCe's hand.